Favorite beer?

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Pђoenix;6217127 said:
Yep Hob Goblins real nice I think I have a bottle somewhere I've been saving for a while, I recommend it to anyone. Are there any nice Sweedish beers you could recommend?
I think Hobgoblin is pretty generic.

For some good Swedish beer try:
Landsort Lager
Bedarö Bitter
Nils Oscar India Ale
Nils Oscar God Lager.

Not sure how easy they are to get outside of Sweden though.

Edit: lawl @ old thread, w/e.
I like Tuborg. Failing being able to scrape up the cash for it, VB is my beer. Cheap, but alcoholic :D
Hobgoblin is OK, but I prefer Scarecrow(or Circle Master in the UK) Ale.
Sucks I can't find it here anymore.
Bieng a native of Canada...anything that gets ya drunc.
Otherwise , why are you drinking?


from my old appartment..
Quite the collection.
American beer is shit.

Coopers Pale or Sparkling, Carlsberg (standard or their "Elephant" beer if I'm feeling classy) and Crown Lager.

@Draznog: If you're talking about Carlsberg Elephant, I'ts definitely 7.2% in Australia (got me a carton of the stuff last weekend) but I've heard that alchohol content in different beers change from country to country, for some reason.
Pђoenix;7246324 said:
Fuck beer for now, it's summer! Bring forth the cider!

Me and my mate are making 80pints of nice scrumpy shit at the moment, we intend to try and distill 20pints or so.
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