Favorite beer?

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Rochefort (8 or 10) and Chimay Bleue are very good. But i dont know if they are available in the US. These are trappist beers, made by monks.

I have heard that Hoegaarden is available over there. It has nothing to do with the 2 beers mentionned above, but its not bad at all.

Dont try Maes oder Jupiler, these are "common" beers with nothing special (but still better than Stella).
Try Leffe( personal fav :D), Duvel and Palm. They should sort you out nicley. I actually hate stela artois, it tastes better in
Belgium, but the shit you buy here taste like crap.

I tryed...i think it was called Hog Goblin or smt similar...pretty expensive but man it was good :p from England and all ^^
Yep Hob Goblins real nice I think I have a bottle somewhere I've been saving for a while, I recommend it to anyone. Are there any nice Sweedish beers you could recommend?
Alpine! Made right here in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
Sorry, but you just can't beat Canadian beer.
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