Favorite beer?

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Rochefort (8 or 10) and Chimay Bleue are very good. But i dont know if they are available in the US. These are trappist beers, made by monks.

I have heard that Hoegaarden is available over there. It has nothing to do with the 2 beers mentionned above, but its not bad at all.

Dont try Maes oder Jupiler, these are "common" beers with nothing special (but still better than Stella).
Try Leffe( personal fav :D), Duvel and Palm. They should sort you out nicley. I actually hate stela artois, it tastes better in
Belgium, but the shit you buy here taste like crap.

I tryed...i think it was called Hog Goblin or smt similar...pretty expensive but man it was good :p from England and all ^^
Yep Hob Goblins real nice I think I have a bottle somewhere I've been saving for a while, I recommend it to anyone. Are there any nice Sweedish beers you could recommend?
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