Favorite Black Metal Band!!!

Negura Bunget
Blut Aus Nord
Deathspell Omega
Manes (first 2)
Keep of Kalessin
i would have to say either dimmu borgir, immortal, or emperor

i listen to more other stuff like CoB and in flames and some new shit like damageplan and BLS.
Dimmu Borgir and Immortal were both unquestionably black metal bands at one time, since he wasn't specific, i won't complain. though, the early DB albums were not some of the best ever. as for in flames, well......
Darkthrone, Burzum.

Then comes shit like Emperor, Graveland, Mayhem, Immortal, Aryan Terrosim, Bishop of Hexen, Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra, Behexen, Satyricon, 1349, Judas Iscariot, Moonblood, Koldbrann, Naglfar, Hellhammer, Moonsorrow, Winterhorde and Covenant in no order.
DarkZombie said:
fuck me for being a noob -- but why the hate for cradle of filth? :hypno:

This is why I hate them:

Dani's voice is terrible. He sounds like he is gargling with cum when he "sings". He's also a midget.

Their fans are a bunch of fags. They actually think they are black metal. When I told a CoF fan they were not BM, he bitched at me. I gave him some real BM bands, Burzum, Darkthrone, ect. and he said "That shit is not music! It's just some no tallent poser screaming!" What the fuck do you think Dani is doing?

Those are just my reasons.
HannibalGuy said:
This is why I hate them:

Dani's voice is terrible. He sounds like he is gargling with cum when he "sings". He's also a midget.

Their fans are a bunch of fags. They actually think they are black metal. When I told a CoF fan they were not BM, he bitched at me. I gave him some real BM bands, Burzum, Darkthrone, ect. and he said "That shit is not music! It's just some no tallent poser screaming!" What the fuck do you think Dani is doing?

Those are just my reasons.

fair enough
henrikmain said:
Most of the people I know who are into black/viking metal agree that Hordanes Land, Vikingligr Veldi, Frost and Eld are landmarks in that particular genre..

That's because they are :)
Darkness Eternal said:
Eeek, ye gads no. I really did dislike Below the Lights - Eld is their best imo.
Nah Eld isn't even the best of their old albums. Other then the first song everyuthing is structured far too simply with the growled verse clean chorus, it's too simple (even if effective when the other albums are not taken into account). Frost and Vikingligr Veldi are far more effective...