mutantllama Active Member Nov 24, 2005 13,847 511 113 33 Maine Jan 2, 2010 #1 Poll coming up. I went with ABITNS
JGMetalhead Anti-humorizing DL Whore Mar 22, 2009 1,875 2 36 New Jersey Jan 2, 2010 #2 Probably Transilvanian hunger or A Blaze In The Northern sky. But since i haven't listened to Darkthrone in ages, I wouldn't be too sure.
Probably Transilvanian hunger or A Blaze In The Northern sky. But since i haven't listened to Darkthrone in ages, I wouldn't be too sure.
zabu of nΩd Free Insultation Feb 9, 2007 14,620 805 113 Jan 2, 2010 #3 Blaze is the most interesting to me. I care little for the uber-fuzzy minimalistic(/monotonous) sort of black metal, so I thought both albums after Blaze sounded like steps down.
Blaze is the most interesting to me. I care little for the uber-fuzzy minimalistic(/monotonous) sort of black metal, so I thought both albums after Blaze sounded like steps down.
L Lateralus14 New Metal Member Oct 16, 2008 3,542 0 0 Jan 2, 2010 #7 Darkthrone albums by quality are in descending chronological order for me (so...Soulside > Blaze > and so on..)
Darkthrone albums by quality are in descending chronological order for me (so...Soulside > Blaze > and so on..)
Master_Yoda77 Juggalo Mar 30, 2008 13,609 3,140 113 34 Chicago, Illinois Jan 2, 2010 #8 Under a Funeral Moon, but why isn't Panzerfaust on the list?
Hail The Wizard! Baptised by Gasoline Jul 11, 2009 709 0 16 Deep Within the Fires of the Mighty British Isles. Jan 2, 2010 #9 Lol, Hunger.
cookiecutter Proceed to Ultraslamming Feb 10, 2006 16,312 21 38 35 Toronto ON Jan 2, 2010 #10 I prefer Transylvanian Hunger, but I tend to like the other classic Norwegian BM bands more than Darkthrone.
I prefer Transylvanian Hunger, but I tend to like the other classic Norwegian BM bands more than Darkthrone.
Bitencourt29 Member Dec 22, 2007 3,124 2 38 47 Sao Paulo, Brazil Jan 2, 2010 #11 From that list, BLAZE.
unknown fuck ftagn Oct 27, 2003 14,824 627 113 The Red Tower Jan 2, 2010 #12 Transilvanian was the album that got me into Darkthrone
Vilden From the holy kingdom of Harmonia Aug 7, 2002 4,192 1,264 113 Stockholm, Sverige Jan 2, 2010 #13 UAFM was my first love but ABITNS has taken over the throne.
Eligos Problem Yet to be Solved Jun 2, 2008 5,983 2 36 Great Plains of the U.S. Jan 2, 2010 #14 Total Death is my favorite but from that list I'd pick Under a Funeral Moon.
dill_the_devil Music Editor Jun 6, 2001 5,004 15 38 41 Darlaston, West Midlands, England Jan 2, 2010 #16 A Blaze for me. Lost interest as they gradually went more minimal and repetetive, regained interest when they went all punky and raw.
A Blaze for me. Lost interest as they gradually went more minimal and repetetive, regained interest when they went all punky and raw.
Doomguy This is huh, wow... Apr 7, 2009 1,863 250 83 Melbourne, Aus Jan 2, 2010 #17 Transilvanian Hunger takes my vote, although I do thoroughly enjoy the other two. Why not have Panzerfaust in the poll?
Transilvanian Hunger takes my vote, although I do thoroughly enjoy the other two. Why not have Panzerfaust in the poll?
mutantllama Active Member Nov 24, 2005 13,847 511 113 33 Maine Jan 2, 2010 #18 Because the other three are considered to be more classic.
Doomguy This is huh, wow... Apr 7, 2009 1,863 250 83 Melbourne, Aus Jan 2, 2010 #20 mutantllama said: Because the other three are considered to be more classic. Click to expand... Fair enough. My favourite Darkthrone album overall is Panzerfaust, but out of the three classics I stick by Transilvanian Hunger. A Blaze in the Northern Sky is definitely close behind though.
mutantllama said: Because the other three are considered to be more classic. Click to expand... Fair enough. My favourite Darkthrone album overall is Panzerfaust, but out of the three classics I stick by Transilvanian Hunger. A Blaze in the Northern Sky is definitely close behind though.