I think it's funny someone's taste in metal music is shit because they do not like some crappy 2nd rate Norwegian Black Metal band.
If you think you have better taste in metal music than me or have heard even 10 percent of the metal music I have heard you're dead wrong. fuck off
fuck canada and fuck you
What is this, fucking gradeschool?
You came into a Darkthrone thread, where everybody likes Darkthrone, to rag on Darkthrone.
By default, you are the douchebag here.
Not enough 12 minute synth solos for you?
I think it's funny how you've become a progressively worse poster over the years and are at the point where you have nothing productive or anything that would suggest any sort of intelligence to say...ever.
ahahahaha clearly you don't remember back when he started posting here
I've split wood in 10 below zero weather for days hours and months on end and have cut down tree's almost cutting my legs off dozens of times in the middle of the woods,etc...
Alright, but how is that a bad thing? Transylvanian Hunger is barely even music.
I do, and I agree he was always on the annoying side but never to this level.
Go buy some rogaine or whatever it is balding people use.