Favorite classic Darkthrone black metal album?

Favorite classic album.

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A Blaze in the Northern Sky is definitely black metal.

Just with a little bit of death metal riffing mixed in.
At least we can all agree that Transilvanian Hunger has the best album art
Over the years it has gone back and forth between ABITNS and UAFM. I enjoy TH and appreciate it, but it has never been a favorite. It is one of the albums responsible for getting me into Black Metal however.
As said already, A Blaze is amazing but only informative to what black metal would become—most effectively and clearly with Transilvanian Hunger; however, I think of Under a Funeral Moon as the quintessential Darkthrone album when taking the rest of their discography into consideration. It's also the one I've spent the most time listening to by FAR. I think it's silly to choose between those three albums, which are all incredible classics, but when pressed...
Under A Funeral Moon is like the best of those two worlds for me. You got the monotony of Transilvanian Hunger, but still a tad more eventful.
Under a Funeral Moon cleary. To me it seems a fuck more focused than their other stuff as well as being slightly more coherent than TH. That being said, all the albums are classics.