Favorite CoB Album

GrimReaper666 said:
OMFG!!!! ALexi is soooo hot in your sig wildchild!! OMG, how did you make that. OmG!*faints*

If i were stranded on a desert, i'd take all my black metal cds. But i'd probably die listening to Bodom.

hehe i don't make it..i just take it from another site but i dont remeber the site:erk:
I mean, if i had to choose that would be my picking. But yeah, you need all of your cds cuz if you get bored or something, you need something new all the time.
^ SHUT UP everything u say, can and will be used against u

Hell Yeah I sound like a cop!
I can't choose between Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper.
(Yes I stopped using the red font, I'm fed up with everyone crtiticising it)
Korruptive said:
I can't choose between Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper.
(Yes I stopped using the red font, I'm fed up with everyone crtiticising it)

P.S ladylaiho was banned? lmao what for? Intentionally making stupid comments? :lol:

You actually care what they think?
<-Warheart-> said:
You actually care what they think?
It's pissing me off that they just ignore what I say and say 'RED FONTS ANNOYING' blah blah blah
And I can't be bothered to manually format my post all the time.
^Shit i love your sig. You alwayz have kickass ones. Is that Bathory on the bottom right corner?

I changed my fave albums again. Now it's FTR(nothing can beat that one ever), SW, AYDY, HCDR, HB.
Reaper Girl: AYDY is a very good choice. IT seems like now there are more people who like that album. IT seems like most of the people have gotten over it "not being like the old stuff."