Favorite Composer

My music theory teacher handed me a book on the Life of Debussy, after I read a quote of him in a book, and said " It's like me, but.... not me."
Ptah Khnemu said:

You can't possibly be a Malmsteen fan and not like Paganini. Unless you're not the kindof person who appreciates Malmsteen for his Neo-Classicalness.
I don't like Paganini's compositions, He was without a doubt one of the greatests (in not THE greatest) violin virtuosos in the world but composing was not his strong point, he was just one more
speaking of debussy did anyone see the da vinci code?

if so i found out that debussy was the 25th grand master of the Priory of Sion from 1885-1918 well supposedly might be true might not.
Bach is truely the greatest.
Other geniouses include:

My favorite conductor is definitley Mr. Herbert Von Karajan with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. He always takes these masterminds' work and performs them so well, so much better than other conductors.
He's fucking hoss!

If you like avant-garde shit, listen to Luigi Nono, Arnold Schoenberg, Ligeti, and Xenakis.
This stuff is good to listen to if you're tired of listening to "normal" music for a bit.
Really weird shit, but entertaining.
I said it before, i say it again. John Williams represents the peak level that a musician could ever get in his/her career. This is my oppinion.
John Williams is god, i agree ;) He still does great compositions in such an age. As i remember, he is nearly 80 years old :S

Imperial March :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

I haven't watch the movies, but i still like what he did on Harry Potter series :)
Time-Machinist said:
John Williams is god, i agree ;) He still does great compositions in such an age. As i remember, he is nearly 80 years old :S

Imperial March :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

I haven't watch the movies, but i still like what he did on Harry Potter series :)
You haven't watched Star Wars? :OMG:
I must be the biggest SW fanboi in this forum.... I couldn't recommend those movies any more than I already do! Now do yourself a favor and get off the computer and rent those movies!
MrFast said:
You haven't watched Star Wars? :OMG:
I must be the biggest SW fanboi in this forum.... I couldn't recommend those movies any more than I already do! Now do yourself a favor and get off the computer and rent those movies!

umm, I think he's talking about Harry Potter..
MrFast said:
You haven't watched Star Wars? :OMG:
I must be the biggest SW fanboi in this forum.... I couldn't recommend those movies any more than I already do! Now do yourself a favor and get off the computer and rent those movies!

No, of course i've watched all Star Wars episodes many times :) Except for 1'st and the 4'th episodes, (which are also very good) all episodes are beyond excellent... BTW unlike most fans, my favourite is "Attack Of The Clones" :p

I said (or meant to say) it for Harry Potter series :D
Kenneth R. said:
Handel's Messiah, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich... also more props for Zimmer on Gladiator. amazing.

Gladiator's good, but for some reason, The Last Samurai is my favorite Zimmer soundtrack.
BTW, i find most of Lord of the Rings soundtrack music unoriginal and uninspiring. I don't know their names but, for example i noticed a huge resemblance between a major melody in LOTR and main music of the Terminator II. Ok, the music in LOTR's almost perfectly fit in the music, but it is not very original or innovative IMO...

And i am not a huge fan of Tchaikovsky, but i love Swan Lake immensely :D