Favorite concept albums

Rush - 2112
Dream Theater - Scenes From a Memory
Savatage - Streets (That's a concept right?)

And plenty of concept songs (I know all songs are concept in a way, but I mean long epics :P )
Not in particular order and without checking out if my choices have been already mentioned:

Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Fates Warning - A Pleasant Shade of Grey
Shadow Gallery - Tyranny
Helstar - Nosferatu
Symphony X - V: The New Mythology Suite
Grave Digger - Tunes of War
Antiquus - Eleutheria (although not 100% conceptual... Only the 6 of the 8 tracks)
Cage - Hell Destroyer
Wastefall - Soulrain 21
Dream Theater - Scenes From A Memory
Vanden Plas - Christ 0
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of A Seventh Son (if we can call it concept)
Symphony X - V
Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime
Savatage - Dead Winter Dead, The Wake of Magellan
Rush - 2112
Pink Floyd - The Wall
Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve and Other Stories
My list of favourite concept albums/rock operas in no particular order of preference

1. Savatage - The Wake Of Magellan
2. Savatage - Dead Winter Dead
3. Savatage - Streets
4. Threshold - Clone
5. King Diamond - The Eye/Abigail/Them/Conspiracy/Puppet Master
6. Nikolo Kotzev - Nostradamus
7. Elegy - Manifestation Of Fear
8. Shadow Gallery - Tyranny
9. Shadow Gallery - Room V
10. Vanden Plas - Christ 0
11. Metalium - Millenium Metal Chapter 1
12. Trans Siberian Orchestra - Beethoven's Last Night
13. John West - Earth Maker
14. Ayreon - Into The Electric Castle
15. Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime I
Hmm...I'm surprised to see Christ 0 already mentioned, but that's definitely high on my list, probably my favorite.

In no order :

Vanden Plas - Christ 0
Abydos - Abydos
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime (1 and 2)
Pink Floyd - The Wall
The Who - Tommy (I loved the pinball machine based on it!)
Symphony X - V
Kamelot - Epica (Along with The Black Halo)
In no particular order...

Dream Theater: SFAM
Symphony X: V
Queensryche: Operation: Mindcrime
Pink Floyd: The Wall
Pink Floyd: The Final Cut
Genesis: The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
The Who: Tommy
The Who: Quadrophenia
Savatage: Streets
Yes: Tales From Topographic Oceans
Glad to see some Savatage & Queensryche people here as well as old Rush so now Ill date myself. Ive been listening to progressive music since the 70's. So how about

Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick
ELP - Tarkus
half of - Rush - Caress of Steel

how about some vocal free Fusion

Return to Forever - Romantic Warrior

but yes indeed

#1 is - Wake of Megallan
then in no particular order but regular standards on my stereo
Streets - Dead Winter Dead
The Odyssey - The New Mythology Suite - Twlight in Olympus
A Pleasent Shade of Gray
Operation Mindcrime
Black Halo

I gotta check out some of the others I see mentioned here but I have a thing for how vocals are done and I dont like "Im a pissed off rabid dog" so called singing, so Ill take tips on what I might like and might not like.

I find Opeth interesting but a bit scary ... LOL ... love Damnation but dont know if its a concept.
Very good thread. A lot of suggestions that I need to check out. The popular standby's are already on the lists though:

Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
Symphony X - V

one annoyance on those lists to me, Rush...2112 is not really a concept album. Just a fantastic 20minute opus and 4 or 5 more songs. Same can be said for "The Odyssey" it doesn't seem to truly be a concept album. The album is one of their best though :notworthy

I gotta check out this Vanden Plas that everyone is talking about....
Dream Theater - Scenes From A Memory
Symphony X - V
Marrilion - Missplaced Childhood
Arena - The Visitor
Art of Illusion - Evil In Human Form (polish band)
Iron Maiden - 7th son of a 7th son
Cmon people:goggly: Where is king diamond,Abigail,Them ,Conspiracy,The eye,and the list goes on,all great concept albums:kickass:

Not everyone loves the King.

I'm certainly not one of them though, love everything King's put out musically (except House of God, seemed a bit dry musically. Story was excellent though).