Favorite DT Album

Favorite DT Album?

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very hard to vote on this and, again, it depends on periods of people's life.. in my experience my preference changes all year long, depending on what I need to listen.. sometimes it's depressive smuci, sometimes it's a more brutal sound, sometimes a catchier one.. now i'd go for Character!
The Gallery !
I think every album is good in its own way but... if I look at how many times I listened to a DT album, the Gallery wins all the way haha ! :D
The Mind's I. Everytime I put it in my car or CD player, I still get irritated at how low the volume was recorded. But after that initial rage passes, I realize that aside from that nagging flaw, the album is perfect. And The Mind's I is the only DT album that takes me to a certain time or place everytime I listen to it. Even listening to it right now in August, I have images of driving around aimlessly on a frigid day in February as the sun was setting. That was how I listened to this album the first time and the feeling and mood of that day just attached itself to this album. Just one of those days where it looks beautiful out, but it's about 8 degrees outside and you can't convince yourself that Winter will ever end. "Hedon" especially takes me to another place whenever I hear it.
Sickman said:
Even listening to it right now in August, I have images of driving around aimlessly on a frigid day in February as the sun was setting. That was how I listened to this album the first time and the feeling and mood of that day just attached itself to this album. Just one of those days where it looks beautiful out, but it's about 8 degrees outside and you can't convince yourself that Winter will ever end.

I have the same thing with Damage Done - at the times I got it I used to travel to New York almost every week, so all the scenery was going along with the music really well... all those huge bridges and traffic... and stuff.

" The Gallery "

Defenetly, 'tis my favourite cd of DT. Ironicall enough, I don't own it. Hehe though as soon as I get to Europe I'll but every DT cd, the ones that I already own included LOL.

Maybe someone can take me to some pawn shop in Goteborg so I can buy those rare limited DT cds?

True, Exposures ain't an album.
i hate you for putting me in that position, may aswel have asked us to choose ONE favourite DT song....CUNT!! haha j/k. I had to go choose the album that started it all off for me and got me into DT, HAVEN!!!!!!!!!
One favourite DT song is easier. It would be Lethe. But choosing a favourite cd is like "choose the cd that contains your favourite bunch of DT songs" so that's slightly more complicated. :D