Favorite fantasy series

Esteban said:
I read the first 3 Shannara books and didn't like them, every one was like a lame copy of Lord of the Rings.

I love Dragonlance, the twins trilogy is awesome. I can't understand why The Farseer Trilogy is not that popular, those books are great!
I agree, the Shannara books are like LOTR-lite, but they are easy to read and a fun way to spend a few hours, that's why I enjoyed them so much. They're not well written, they're full of cliches, the characters are predictable - but it's all good fun. The later ones started to take themselves seriously and it all went downhill - the Isle Witch ones were just boring.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I agree, the Shannara books are like LOTR-lite, but they are easy to read and a fun way to spend a few hours, that's why I enjoyed them so much. They're not well written, they're full of cliches, the characters are predictable - but it's all good fun. The later ones started to take themselves seriously and it all went downhill - the Isle Witch ones were just boring.
They are easy to read, I agree with that; but the main problem I had is that the story lacks ... "urgency", I mean, Brooks never writes from the bad guys perspective, so it looks like the journeys could go on forever and nothing would happen.
I enjoy LOTR quite a bit.
The dragonlance series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
And R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten realms series.
Esteban said:
So I just finished the first 3 books of A Song of Ice and Fire, and I'm definitely impressed, the third one is so good, that ending is gonna make buy the 4th one as soon as it comes out. Anyway, my favorite series:

1. The Lord of the Rings
2. A Song of Ice and Fire
3. The Farseer Trilogy

What are yours?
Im only at number 2, but Im as impressed as you are! I dont know the 3rd, but I agree on the first two picks. Great books :rock:
I dont know the Farseer Trilogy.. and LotR pwns all anyway.

Oh.. and Jordan sucks ass as an author. WoT starts off quite well and goes downhill like no other series I have ever read. Quite a pity, it's got some potential
Hello my name is Raist and i'm seriously addicted to DragonLance (Everybody says: 'Hello Raist!")
When i read the beginning of the book i can't stop until i finish it, then i need another book, and another, etc.
I've read the whole main story: Chronicles trilogy, Legends trilogy, The second generation and War of Souls trilogy. Currently reading: Raistlin Chronicles (Soulforge, brothers in arms)
I absolutly love LOTR. The world that Tolkien created is just so vast and amazing. There is just so much more that you can research and what not.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
the Dragonlance "Twins" trilogy which was much better than the "War of the Lance" series.

since so many have mentioned the "twins" i feel i have check it out, what's the title of the first book in the trilogy or whatever it was?
I don't remember the name of the first book to be honest - I think the three were called "Time of the Twins", "Test of the twins" and "War of the Twins", but I've got them stashed away in my loft so I can't check - have a look on Amazon, they'll have them.
spaffe said:
since so many have mentioned the "twins" i feel i have check it out, what's the title of the first book in the trilogy or whatever it was?
Legends Trilogy
The continuing story of Raistlin and Caramon Majere. Separated after The War of the Lance, the two brothers are brought face-to-face once more through a strange twist of fate spawned by Raistlin's dark plans.
-Time of the Twins
-War of the Twins
-Test of the Twins
(source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=books/dl/novelguide)
I'm gonna start with Raymond Feist's Riftwar Saga as soon as I finish the 10th Wheel of Time book... and btw, it's true, nothing happens, damn... get the characters together and finish the thing already! It should have ended 5 books ago.
Raistlin1980 said:
Legends Trilogy
The continuing story of Raistlin and Caramon Majere. Separated after The War of the Lance, the two brothers are brought face-to-face once more through a strange twist of fate spawned by Raistlin's dark plans.
-Time of the Twins
-War of the Twins
-Test of the Twins
(source: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=books/dl/novelguide)

thanks, i'll start reading them after i've finished the zillion other books that's presently on my to read-list :loco: