Favorite guitar tone from Andy Sneap?

Feb 8, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion

If I'm not mistaken, I believe it's 5150 and XXX blended together on this album. Whatever it is, it's amazing! Possibly my favorite guitar tone out of any album I have.
all of his killswitch engage stuff...by far

btw anyone know who produced their upcoming album? Is it still Sneap?
Doomsday Machine is a great one, opening riffs of Nemesis, My Apocalypse, and the clean tones/leads are all amazing. And quite unique as well, not a tone you'd hear everyday.
Godless Endevour is great too, "My Acid Words" always kills me with that intro.
Honestly, I can't say I'm that big a fan of any of Andy's tones; they're either very "grinding" and slightly harsh (Arch Enemy, The Gathering), or kinda muffled (EoH sounds like it was recorded too far from the dustcap, there's the off-axis cloudiness; Dead Heart is pretty good but doesn't have the upper mid presence of V30s that I just can't live without). TLKW comes close, but also seems to be lacking a bit of upper mid grind, it's just too smooth IMO. And then of course TGE, good, but my primary example of insufferable 2 ch. Rectifier fizz through a Recto cab.

Bogren, Bergstrand, and yes, even Nordstrom (for Dimmu rather than In Flames though IMO :D) are the ones that really deliver to me, as well as the Studio Hertz dudes.
As I Lay Dying... I find both Shadows and An Ocean (he re-amped the guitar for that one, didn't he?) AWESOME.
Honestly, I can't say I'm that big a fan of any of Andy's tones; they're either very "grinding" and slightly harsh (Arch Enemy, The Gathering), or kinda muffled (EoH sounds like it was recorded too far from the dustcap, there's the off-axis cloudiness; Dead Heart is pretty good but doesn't have the upper mid presence of V30s that I just can't live without). TLKW comes close, but also seems to be lacking a bit of upper mid grind, it's just too smooth IMO. And then of course TGE, good, but my primary example of insufferable 2 ch. Rectifier fizz through a Recto cab.

Bogren, Bergstrand, and yes, even Nordstrom (for Dimmu rather than In Flames though IMO :D) are the ones that really deliver to me, as well as the Studio Hertz dudes.

Sometimes you should take off your analytical ears and just fucking rock to the awesomeness of andy sneaps guitars
They might not be the utmost refined tones of perfection, but seriously, they kick ass

Doomsday machine for me, or maybe Ascendancy, although it's kinda nasty on it's own it really fits the mix perfectly
Hahaha, I see I've struck a nerve :D Nah, I definitely do groove with them, and they fit fantastically in the mix, but the little things just rear their heads at me, but certainly not enough ruin the music or anything!
Killswitch engage - the end of heartache!!!!!!absolut AMAZING

A little of topic:
I love Andy sneaps mixes as a "full mix" he is a master in letting instruments and voice work perfectly together!!!!

But my absolut favorite guitar tones are from Zeuss!!!They are so brutal, angry, punchy!!!!
Just listen to the new Terror - the damned, the shamed
The guitars are unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or Remembering never - god save us all

Also Adam D. did an awsome job on the Parkway drive - killing with a smile
but I dont like his newer ones that much.

I would love to hear a CD, were Zeuss did all the guitars.
Jason Livermore doing the Bass
and Andy sneap doing the drums, vocals (36 crazyfists hell yeah)
and mixing all together

Dudes this would be the best Metal/Metalcore/Hardcore mix of ALL TIMES :hotjump: