Favorite Guitarist?


Keeper of Souls
Oct 15, 2004
Seattle, WA
Guitar plays an integral part in Metal. I love the guitar(I might be bias cause i play the guitar) everything about is fucking awesome. I've been playing since i was 14 and one of the most influential guitarist on me was Kirk Hammet. Whos your Favorite Guitarist?
none of them are the gmd.

this is valid. different user groups browse different forums so that doesn't apply.

although i agree these threads can get tiring, there is very little new stuff to discuss on a daily basis. stop being a forum nazi. just because it has been done before, doesn't mean it can't be resurrected (provided its not recent)

anyhow, i like a number of guitarists, some that come to mind atm:
- dave mustaine
- chuck schuldiner
- anders bjorler
- tony iommi
to name a few.

ps: you may want to read the rules champ. you will see a number of posts locked by the moderator. try to follow them - you can then be sure you won't piss anyone off.
Two reasons and posts that demonstrate why this board sucks so much.(not misfits or the thrread starters)

Chuck Schuldiner
Jeff Loomis
Dave Mustaine
and Early Hammet/Hetfield
AjDeath said:
Two reasons and posts that demonstrate why this board sucks so much

I did nothing other than suggesting a few threads.

Anyway I would have to say Mustaine or Schuldiner.
EDIT: Mikael Akerfeldt. And too many others to list.
My favorite will absolutely have to be Demonaz, I think. The perfect black metal guitarist.

Other than he, these gets honorable mentions:

Mikael Åkerfeldt
Niklas Sundin
James Hetfield
Pierangelo Giglioni
Kirk Hammett is the greatest lead guitarist of all time, the lead he brought into Metallica's music was exceptional. He was a perfect match and he showed technical excellence as well as his own distinctive style.
Andy LaRocque (King Diamond, Death, etc)
Antonio "Schaffer who??" Garcia (Shah)
Matheos/Arduini (Fates Warning's early days)
Tipton/Downing (Priest)
Smith/Murray (Maiden)
Holt/Hunlot (Exodus)
Uwe Lewis (Grave Digger, Rebeillion)
Chris Broderick (Jag Panzer)
Robert Vigna (Immolation)
James Murphy (Testament, Death, Cancer, Obituary, Hallows Eve, etc.)
Mille Petrozza (Kreator)
Kurdt Vanderhoof (Metal Church)
Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath)
Frank "Blackfire" Gosdzik (Sodom, Kreator)
Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, Rainbow, Blackmore's Night)

There are plently more that I'm forgetting.
John Haughm/Don Anderson (agalloch/sculptured)
Chuck Schuldiner
Mikael Akerfeldt/Peter Lindgren
John petrucci
the guy from arcturus (his name escapes me at the moment)
Alex Skolnick
Wes Montgomery