favorite/least favorite cover songs

Least Favorite:Nevermore-Sound of Silence

The Nevermore cover for Sound of Silence is brillaint, IMO.

A good cover song should not sound like the original... otherwise, what's the point?
I hate bands who try so hard to play a song like the original band...
best covers are those who are made with the personal touches and style of the band covering them... - just my opinion.

You all will not agree with me for saying that, but that's why I LOVE
it when Tori Amos covers songs (yes, like that Raining Blood one)
because she covers songs with her style of singing (which I happen to love)
A good cover song should not sound like the original... otherwise, what's the point?
I hate bands who try so hard to play a song like the original band...
best covers are those who are made with the personal touches and style of the band covering them... - just my opinion.

Any band can take an x song and make it sound like their own when covering it, this is not a difficult thing. There is no point on just doing this, if the result is not worthy at all, or even a possible disgrace to the original.
In the case of "Sound Of Silence" it doesn't matter at all if Nevermore tried to adapt their own style to it and actually make it sound like a (bad) Nevermore song, but that the result was just horrible, and didn't evoke any emotion at all. It just has a headbanging use.
On the opposite side of all these, lies the cover by Heir Apparent that is a lesson to be learned by all those who want to cover this song (or any song basically).
Pale Divine - Solitude

Divine Eve - Visions Of Mortality (Celtic Frost)
Divine Eve - Witching Metal (Sodom)
Eternal Solstice - Outbreak Of Evil (Sodom)
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
Come on, no one mentioned this?

Also, Steve Von Till - Scarborough Fair

...and anything from Cash's American III recordings, mostly The Mercy Seat (Nick Cave), and I See a Darkness (Bonnie Prince Billy?)