What's your LEAST favorite Swano song?

Some of the things posted here are asinine, which is fine since it's all a matter of opinion, BUT I am sure people posting the more well known songs have not heard a lot of Dan's old obscure stuff that really isn't very good compared to everything else he has done.

Well yeah... but mentioning stuff like Brejn Dead is kinda pointless..
As for my least favorite Swano song, I'm thinking I gotta go with 'Falling' on this one, with 'Intermezzo' from The Closing Chronicles a close second. I always hit the 'skip' button when those ones come up. Dan wasn't responsible for composing either of those, though, so I'll cut him a break! ;)
There are songs here and there I don't like... that much.
but on the other hand Dan is strong with albums solid releases though they have som not-so-strong songs.

maybe "worlds apart" from Nightingale's Invisible album would be on the least favourite list.