Favorite metal w/ no samples from the last 10 years


Aug 13, 2003
What are your favorite metal albums from the last 10 years or so that use no drum replacment, POD guitars ect.

I'm listeing to Deadguy fixation on a coworker right now. I forgot how good this record is
This might bite me in the ass, but I'm quite sure there are no drum samples used on this album.... Nightrage - Sweet Vengeance. It's probably my favourite recorded metal drum sound, and probably more so because it seems to have been treated like a rock kit rather than your standard modern 'click click' metal kit.
Torniojaws said:
There is no way you can tell whether drum triggering was used or not (ie. if they used triggering just for toms, etc), unless it was made obvious and clear, so uh...

I can almost always tell when a kick is triggered. Chances are if they didn't trigger the kick then nothing else was done either.

Also 10 years ago it was a little more obvious than it is today
Entombed - Morning Star
Not sure but it doesn't sound triggered to me... Shitty mastering though.
batlas said:
Living Sacrifice - Reborn.
Man that kick and snare are triggered as hell. they were triggering the kick even on the first album in '89.

my vote would be for the crappy rock band i used to play bass in. the drums were old, no name brand, and never had the heads changed in about 5 yrs. and the engineer made them sound awesome in about 15 min. all natural. and we tracked 4 songs, drums, bass, and gtrs in 1 day. vocals and mixing took another half a day.
A Toolish Circle said:
A Life Once Lost - Hunter

My friend is currently doing sound for these guys on Ozzfest and I'm pretty sure I remember him talking about samples being used on the record. The drums certainly do have a more raw sounding quality about them, though. I could call him up and ask him if anybody wants to know for absolutely sure... I'm kind of curious now myself.