Favorite Opeth guitar parts

in limbow

wobmil ni
Sep 9, 2005
United States
not just solos but guitar parts in general
My list:
Ghost of Perdition- both solos
Demon of the Fall- the riff/melody right at the end.. beautiful...
The Moor acoustic intro
White Cluster outro solo
Death Whispered A Lullaby solo
Baying of the Hounds- chord progression around 9:45
Black Rose Immortal acoustic melody around 10 min i think
Night and the Silent Water- acoustics at 2:50 of course
intro to Windowpane
riff around 50 sec in Moonlapse Vertigo
that main lead guitar line at the beginning of Drapery Falls
April Ethereal- guitar lines during "the rain was waving goodbye" part
i could go on forever...
I've only been here since August and I've already seen what... 3 or 4 "Favorite Opeth guitar part/riff/acoustic riff/most evil riff etc etc"

well there's not much else to do, except break down this stuff all the time. it does get kinda repetitive, but i actually enjoy reading threads about this stuff even when ive seen it before. lots of times a new viewpoint is presented or my opinion has changed about a certain song.

favorite guitar parts: definitely agree with the outro to DOTF and the AE part. also the part in GOP where it comes out of the clean sounding part and goes into the solo riff...the build up is epic. also the clean parts in master's apprentices and a fair judgement. right before and including "leave it be..."

the chorus to to rid the disease...the part in the drapery falls where it goes from heavy to clean at the end....the little hammer on pull of action before the D minor C progression, ( i think its 4h5p4p0 4h5 2h3 2h4 0 0; you guitar players no which strings im talking about :rock: ) and then when the heavy part crashes in after that.

the opening chord of bleak.

the acoustic break in leper affinity.

the jazzy solo in bleak.

the part in windowpane where he begins the second solo and stops for a second and you can hear the solo rhythym before his bends the 14th fret on the E string.

the part in moonlapse vertigo around 2:35 where it goes from clean voice and guitar to that cool riff with the lead guitar harmonizing and the death vocals...

to name a FEW lol
The melodie in "Ending credits" is beautifull. And of course there is this guitar part of Mikael on "a fair judgement" at 3:51. So brilliant!
Ands of course the guitar solo in "godhead's lament".:)