princess_of_the_night2112 said:You have superb taste Stu being a Rush and a Budgie fan - there's not enough folk like that in the world hehe!!! How sensational was the Rush 30th Anniversary Tour, did you catch them on it. OMG that was the best night of my life and I was on a total high for about 6 months after it, couldn't stop talking about that gig, it was absolutely out of the world. I'd seen Rush twice before in Ingliston and they were brilliant but at the SECC I'd got 3rd row tickets and I was only about 7 feet away from the God that is Geddy Lee, plus the fact I'd got a bootleg of the concert recorded on the first night in Nashville, so I knew exactly what was going to be played at the gig and I was totally whipped up into a frenzy the day of the concert. Was actually that excited about seeing them again that come lunchtime I was very nearly sick just with sheer excitement and by about 4pm Icouldn't stop shaking, so I had to down a whole bottle of champagne then went into Glasgow for loads more drinkies, I was totally flying but thank god I remember every single thing about the concert. I was my voice for 3 days after it, and my hands were red raw for a few days as well with all the clapping. Utterly mindblowing concert. And although I'm more into the early Rush stuff, obviously 2112 practically took the roof off, that Animate and Dreamline nearly had me in tears it was that bloody mindblowingly awesome. And even when I listen to the cds now, I can feel my eyes filling up when I hear those 2 songs, and they were always good before but were never my favourites. Animate is definitely one of my favs now, The Trees, Xanadu, Limelight, By-tor and the R30 Medley were blinding weren't they, immense stuff indeed - although I would still preferred to have heard Geddy singing them cos Bastille Day, Finding my Way, Passage to Bangkok and Anthem are still some of my fav Rush songs.
Yeah Budgie have got to be the most under-rated band on the planet. They are nothing short of magnificent. I saw them twice at Glagow Apollo playing in front of 3/4000 folk and at a few fests but the last few years it's been at The Renfrew Ferry which only holds about 300 approx. They should be playing bigger venues than that but in saying that its awesome seeing them in such intimate venue, getting right to the front Probably seen them about 6 times and every time they just get better and better. Last year was the first time I'd seen them for a few years and they well and truly blew me to kingdom come with they kicked off with my 2 fav songs, Guts and then Panzer Division Destroyed. Saw them last year when they played on 17th September, which just so happened to be my birthday - what a birthday present eh, awesome. I love all of their songs, favs at the moment would be I Turned to Stone, Crash Course in Brain Surgery, Homicidal Suicidal, Nude Disintegrating Parachutist Woman, Guts, Panzer, Napoleon (obvouisly, who doesn't think that rocks like sin), Breadfan, Power Supply, Superstar, and In For The Kill as well. They don't have one bad song come to think of it - and there's supposed to be a new album out either right now, or coming out very soon.
They usually tour round about October, so I'll definitely be there again, they are one of the best live bands ever ever ever. And they're pretty like Sabbath as well, so if any of youse haven't heard any Budgie, download some of those tracks and be prepared to be blown away!!!
You write a lot of words.