Favorite track off of Fate of Norns?

Favorite track off of Fate of Norns?

  • An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm

    Votes: 10 8.6%
  • Where Death Seems To Dwell

    Votes: 10 8.6%
  • The Fate of Norns

    Votes: 34 29.3%
  • Pursuit of Vikings

    Votes: 25 21.6%
  • The Valkyries Ride

    Votes: 7 6.0%
  • Beheading of a King

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • Arsoil

    Votes: 11 9.5%
  • Once Sealed In Blood

    Votes: 10 8.6%

  • Total voters
Metalbast said:
Once Sealed In Blood... Can't really explain why, just is stuck in my head :rock:

once sealed in blood really kicks hard ass at 3 minutes when johan repeats faster and faster "I SWORE, BEFORE MY GODS, AND OATH ONCE SEALED IN BLOOD..." thats true bliss.. :p and the fact that its the second part of arson but totally different cause its violent and the situation is reversed is cool too.. the story could make an awsome movie!!! johan is a fucking poet!!! :worship:
Fate of Norns is great song. Whoever wrote it ( Johan?) did a great job because the text really gives a very good idea of what you feel when you carry a child or young person to his/her grave... It really reminded me of my sister's funeral.

The whole album is brilliant and I'm really enjoying it, thanks a lot AA!!
i've heard the whole cd but have only become acquainted with the first 5 (thats how long it takes to get to school in the morning :tickled: ) my favorite so far is fate of norns that song pwns :rock:
I went for 'Pursuit of the Vikings'. That track really 'pops'! The chorus is extremely energising and catchy. It's great.
ARSON!!! for me it's the better song, for musicality, lyrics, voice... and for its peculiar sound: it's very slow and powerful. fantastic!!!
I love also Fate of Norns, Once Sealed in Blood, Valkiries Ride... it's been very hard for me to choose!
I voted for Valkyries Ride, because, wehn you're smashed, like i usually am, its the easiest to sing along to! i love all the tracks but the production ( although clean and professional) is my least favourite, but thats what Cubase is for...
I voted for Once Sealed in Blood.....but The Fate oF Norns,Pursuit Of Vikings and Where Death Seems To Dwell i like as well......but at all it is really a very hard choose!!
Most of you are assholes. Amon Amarth worked very hard on this album, and you just go and download it???? They deserve your money and support! If you want to download a song then do it off their site or the Record Label site!!