Mikael Akerfeldt, Jeff Buckley, Grutle from Enslaved, Abbath from Immortal, Bruce Dickinson, Alim Kasimov, and some traditional music singers (forgot the names), and many others i guess
Crack Hitler said:Aside from some singers already mentioned I really like that dude from Dredg, even tho from what I've heard he ain't that strong live.
Also Jonah Matranga from the late Far and now Onelinedrawing and whatnot, has nice and pretty unique voice in a sense that it's easily reconisable.
muahaha. you might not like the music, you might despise most of the fanboys, you might wanna suck some other bands balls but can you really be that biased to claim that the guy can't sing? They guy does good job on growls (or whatever you wanna call it), which really isn't my cup of tea, but has really good voice on those clean parts, esp. on that almost-acoustic-album.
ikeaboy said:i suck no ones balls, you obviously do, like a lot of yis herehe does good growls? ok
thats funny....really good voice on those clean parts? look mate the guy tries too hard, and sings when isnt neccesary, too many notes, not enough focus on what hes actually trying to sing with, which is pomp anyway. anyway im wasting my time, what you doing here anyway?, get back to your opeth forum, this aint metal
ikeaboy said:thing is, yis are always here, but not a mention of our micko, shame on ye opethic ball suckers
ikeaboy said:Mikael Akerfeldt? thats a joke, to even include him amongst our Micko is an even bigger one ffs... soooory, but Mickos the man
blackeyed said:Claudio from Coheed for sure - if you ever listen to them you will be befuddled as to whether its a guy or a girl.
Crack Hitler said:mr. moss was mentioned i think on the third post on this thread. no need for me to keep repeating what everyone else has already said.