Favourite childhood toy?

Haha, guys...the sega megadrive = sega genesis. The mega drive was the name given to it in the UK, while Genesis was used in the States and Japan (I think)

Besides, the SNES was 67476458758658 times better.

Other childhood toys:
My transformer figures
My teenage mutant ninja turles figures
tonka trucks
Commodore 64
Atari 2600
Sega Master System
Game Boy (the fat old grey one :) )
my ghostbusters proton pack and accessories (*remembers thread about the albino internet chat :lol: *)

I can't remember anything else at the moment, although I know there's more...

Ill post it as I think of it. I was an only child up until the age of 8 so I tended to get what I wanted back then :devil:
popples, ninja turtles, power rangers, oh and slappy bracelets. Slappy bracelets owned me.