Favorite Childhood cartoon/tvshow

Yeah i'm downloading it also. I also downloaded some old Ninja Turtles episodes off Kazaa, that sure brought back some memories. I think the young children of today are being ripped off of quality cartoon programming, rather than having original cartoons you find a lot of "Spider-man EXTREME, powerrangers zeo in space and underwater, Pokemon, Digimon (obvious ripoff), Rescue heroes (this will probably get cancelled when the september 11th effect wears off), x-men kids (I don't remember what it's called but it's like the x-men as highschoolers.

I also watched the x-men cartoon on Fox every saturday, and I still like it, it's not on air anymore but it's still a very good show. The kids that grow up today, what will they remember watching? Ripoffs of formerly succesful shows? That's all that i'm seeing as cartoons today :cry: it's sad. Although there's some good cartoons on the cartoon network, like Dexter's Lab and stuff like that.
~Zeanra~@ Oh,yes Nils Holgersson is a hotjump
:hotjump: :hotjump:

yeap,he was a boy who was punished by a hustomte because he was very naughty (if i can recall correctly)and became small ....and yep,then he became friend with some wild-ducks (?) and flied over sweden
It is a based on a book... I can't recall the author's name though....Any Swede that can help us?
When I was a kid, it was all about Tom & Jerry. I can't believe that was actually specifically programmed for children (the Simpsons parody is spot on). I also remember watching Mr. Dressup (R.I.P. Ernie Coombs) and Sesame Street.

I know Sesame Street was big internationally, but has anybody outiside of Canada ever seen Mr. Dressup? (He was on the CBC, right?)
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
When I was a kid, it was all about Tom & Jerry. I can't believe that was actually specifically programmed for children (the Simpsons parody is spot on). I also remember watching Mr. Dressup (R.I.P. Ernie Coombs) and Sesame Street.

I know Sesame Street was big internationally, but has anybody outiside of Canada ever seen Mr. Dressup? (He was on the CBC, right?)

Speaking of Canadian kids shows, how about "The friendly giant" and that weird flute theme he used to play? Living in Detroit we used to pick up a lot of CBC shows out of Windsor. :spin:
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
MightyA: Yes!!!! Tao Tao it was, thank you :) It was so cute ;)
Melancholia: Whee, another Nils Holgersson fan :)
i had completely forgotten about those :D
when i was a kid i used to cry watching Nils Holgersson :cry: ;)


Saint Seiya (Zodiac Knights :p)
Hokuto no Ken (called Ken le Survivant in France, maybe Ken the Survivor in the US ?)
Macross (and not that shitty american version : Robotech)
Nadia and the Secret of the Blue Water
Ulysse 31 (french)
Les Mysterieuses Cités d'or (french)
Captain Tsubasa (was called Olive and Tom in France, don't know for the other countries)
Harlock 84
City Hunter
Originally posted by MightyA

What is that guy singing about? That sounds horrible.:grin:

the lyrics are crap for 6 year child, but they are too hard for me to translate it correctly :)
they are quite funny tough ... i have never seen someone not smiling while hearing that song :)
Captain Tsubasa was hilarious :lol:
I will never forget how they managed to punch the ball tru the net and actually brake into the wall :lol: the only thing that kept me from watching too often is that is so frustrating watching them get from side to side of the field in 3 episodes...
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
When I was a kid, it was all about Tom & Jerry. I can't believe that was actually specifically programmed for children (the Simpsons parody is spot on). I also remember watching Mr. Dressup (R.I.P. Ernie Coombs) and Sesame Street.

I know Sesame Street was big internationally, but has anybody outiside of Canada ever seen Mr. Dressup? (He was on the CBC, right?)

I used to watch Mr. Dressup and the Friendly Giant too, but I'm also in Canada.
KUMMELI!!!!!!!!!!:tickled: :D

And now South Park. It tells a lot about americans´vanity and double moralism in a self irony way, I think. I like that fact...