Favourite drum tones?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
We've had a bunch of 'fav guitar tones' threads, since most of you guys are guitarists.. but how bout some love for the backbone of the band (after extensive editing of course :D)

Post only ONE album, and try to post a YouTube clip or something.

Best drum tone ever (and almost all natural):

Name me another tone that can go from that insanely calm break at 2;35 and also do a fairly fast, wicked sick riff at the start.. add in the fact that the kick is TOTALLY natural and the vibe is just intense.
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See with HQ for better sound. Ok this is not a natural drum sound but it´s fucking amazing. The band and the song are also awesome.
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Rock I'm with the Nickelback video posted. sounds huge.


these videos still are the best drums tones ever.

Machine Head - Davidian

Pantera - Five Minutes Alone

Sepultura - Refuse/Resist

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I dont care what anyone says about these guys. They've always been one of my favorite bands and I love the drum sound on this album.

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Not a band I really listen all the day but drum tone on this song is just like a dream tone for me...

Textures-Drawing Circles album -Surreal State of Enlightenment

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I dont care what anyone says about these guys. They've always been one of my favorite bands and I love the drum sound on this album.

Ahh, that classic nu-metal drum sound.

Kinda similar to this ain't it:

You know it's funny. A while ago this kind of stuff used to disgust me, but in light of the Attack Attacks, Brockencydes and Bring Me the Horizons of the world I can lump Limp Bizkit in the same basket as kvlt Norwegian forest berry metal.
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Ahh, that classic nu-metal drum sound.

I can see why they get thrown into that nu metal category but they were so much better than them other bands like korn and limp bizkit.

but yeah, Maybe from "growing up" around that era (I was around 13 or 14 when those albums came out) kinda shapes your preferance for different instruments. I perfer my drums pretty dry where the room is more perceived than up front and in your face. short cracky snares tuned pretty high. Clicky kicks, etc.