Favourite Fast Food Chain

Which is your favourite fast food chain?

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Why is that?

Because we weren't created to eat plants only. If I want a meatball I'll eat a meatball. And yes I know being a vegan/vegetarian is a personal choice, I just hate the whole "save the animals" shit related to it. "Don't wear fur boo hoo!". There is a lot of food I don't like, but there is no dish I wouldn't eat because it's against my "principles". Bacon hot dogs rule \m/
Fuck I hate vegans/vegetarians. More than I hate disgusting obese people.

Why is that?

I believe Susperia once said this, and I agree with her despite me not being a vegan or vegetarian, these meat obcessed asshole "I AM MAN" types are so into their current ways that they are fucking afraid to admit that the V people have legitimate points on both moral and biological grounds.

Panzer what you seem to misunderstand is that none of these people are saying meat is bad, I don't know a single vegan that would say "Don't eat meat because it is wrong." Many simply don't think that our meat industries practices for raising and slaughtering the animals are humane, and therefore are doing it out of a sense of "silent protest." That or health reasons, and it is if done right significantly healthier to live without meat in the diet due to many issues our bodies have with the digestion of meat.
Because we weren't created to eat plants only. If I want a meatball I'll eat a meatball. And yes I know being a vegan/vegetarian is a personal choice, I just hate the whole "save the animals" shit related to it. "Don't wear fur boo hoo!". There is a lot of food I don't like, but there is no dish I wouldn't eat because it's against my "principles". Bacon hot dogs rule \m/


I don't buy into the idea that we were "created" so I think I can do whatever I want without offending a higher power. And I don't care if you eat a meatball or not. I think that most cruelty to animals is perfectly preventable, so I choose not to support it wherever I can. You can support it if you like. I think people should be aware of what they are putting into their bodies, but if you'd rather not know, or you simply don't care that's fine with me.

Personally, I don't hate anyone or anything, hate takes too much energy that I think could be put to better use. I understand why people hate some things, but your reasons for hating vegans and vegetarians strikes me as idiotic.

I don't buy into the idea that we were "created" so I think I can do whatever I want without offending a higher power. And I don't care if you eat a meatball or not. I think that most cruelty to animals is perfectly preventable, so I choose not to support it wherever I can. You can support it if you like. I think people should be aware of what they are putting into their bodies, but if you'd rather not know, or you simply don't care that's fine with me.

Personally, I don't hate anyone or anything, hate takes too much energy that I think could be put to better use. I understand why people hate some things, but your reasons for hating vegans and vegetarians strikes me as idiotic.

The "created" part wasn't meant literally. I do not believe in higher forces. I do not feel guilt for buying meat from the store, because 1: humans have been eating animals for thousands of years and 2: cows at least in my area die in a way more humane way than they would if they were attacked by wolves in the forest. I've noticed that more and more of my former friends and classmates have turned vegan\vegetarian and they are pissing me off with their whinery. Fucking posers. Eat what you think tastes good. And fuck PETA.
I don't think McDonalds sells anything that, when held up to close scientific scrutiny, would actually be considered food. I only go there to buy a milkshake sometimes and am utterly amazed that people can order anything there without promptly losing their appetite.
The "created" part wasn't meant literally. I do not believe in higher forces. I do not feel guilt for buying meat from the store, because 1: humans have been eating animals for thousands of years and 2: cows at least in my area die in a way more humane way than they would if they were attacked by wolves in the forest. I've noticed that more and more of my former friends and classmates have turned vegan\vegetarian and they are pissing me off with their whinery. Fucking posers. Eat what you think tastes good. And fuck PETA.

Heh, how fucking typical.

I do agree about PETA though.
PETA had nothing to do with this.

How are they posers?

I find you saying "whinery" to be very heartless and cold, how do you justify insulting someone's beliefs like that? They think that what we do is cruel, what right do you have to attack their ideas and basically call vegans bitches?

It was a joke. Lighten the fuck up people.
Still though, fuck PETA.
I don't think McDonalds sells anything that, when held up to close scientific scrutiny, would actually be considered food. I only go there to buy a milkshake sometimes and am utterly amazed that people can order anything there without promptly losing their appetite.
I think the fries are awesome there. Who cares if the burgers are really greasy and doesn't fill you up, they're still pretty good, not the best, thier McFlurries and Milkshakes are great, their grilled chicken sandwiches are good.
That's what I get for trying to have an intelligent debate.

I agree, though, PETA harms much more than they help.

If this is the case:

They think that what we do is cruel, what right do you have to attack their ideas and basically call vegans bitches?

Then fuck them for defying mother nature. Predator eats prey, live with it. One time me and a group of friends went to the movies to see a movie, obviously. On the way back, the driver accidentally hit a hare, nearly killing it. My female (no this isn't a sex thing idiots) left wing socialist vegan started crying. Fair enough. While the hare crawled around on the road with it's guts out the driver stopped the car, backed up, stepped out and kicked it in the head to put it out of it's misery. As a result of this, the girl went PETA on him accusing him of first attacking the poor hare and then killing it in a very inhumane way on a dirty road. WHAT!?
I'm not saying all these people would react the same way, in fact I doubt it, as this girl has shown some weird tendencies lately. My point is though, why make a big deal out of something that isn't a problem? AT ALL! What should we do with all the farms breeding cows and sheep if everyone turned anti-meat? Kill them all one last time or release them in the woods? They would die in a way more "inhumane" way there. And what about all the jobs? You are allowed to think more than one inch ahead of you folks.
That was pretty dumb of her to get upset because he killed it rather than allow it to sit there and suffer. What he did was the most humane thing possible. You made a generalization that I don't agree with, but that particular instance is completely idiotic on her part.

You missed this part.

I'm not saying all these people would react the same way, in fact I doubt it, as this girl has shown some weird tendencies lately.