Favourite Mars Volta Studio album?

What is your favourite Mars Volta studio album?

  • Deloused

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • Frances the Mute

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Amputecture

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
yea my vote goes to deloused too. I saw the same poll on the official Megadeth forums and most people were goin for Frances, which I thought was weird for Megadeth fans. If anything I thought Opeth fans would like Frances more seen as its the most progressive in some ways.
Asilos Magdalena on Amputechture is so fucking good (just a random outburst since I'm listening to it atm)

I haven't voted in the poll. it would most likely be Amputechture or Frances though (yes, I'm aware Deloused is great but I can't say it holds my favorite TMV moments. I don't really agree with the landslide results we're seeing so far even though I was expecting it a bit)

edit: why is Frances shit?