Slayed Necros Void Dec 28, 2001 8,743 5,630 113 39 New Plymouth, New Zealand Jan 7, 2002 #22 Blackwater Park...It contains the strongest Metal Masterpiece ever...The Leper Affinity..
pac1288 El Jefe Dec 1, 2001 1,038 0 36 46 California Visit site Jan 7, 2002 #23 Well for a long while it was MAYH then STILL LIFE now its BLACKWATER PARK
TheMindzI Denial serves me Oct 17, 2001 758 0 16 Piraeus, Greece Jan 8, 2002 #24 My Arms, Your Hearse.. and yes it was the first Opeth album I listened to..
HoserHellspawn Pixel Manipulator May 1, 2001 1,505 0 36 43 Vancouver, Canada Jan 8, 2002 #25 It's all about My Arms, Your Hearse, baby. Chillin' wit da E V I L-dawg on the MAYH crew. WORD! (kudos to Morningrise and Still Life, very close runners-up)
It's all about My Arms, Your Hearse, baby. Chillin' wit da E V I L-dawg on the MAYH crew. WORD! (kudos to Morningrise and Still Life, very close runners-up)
Gandalf elite sheesha smoker Jan 1, 2002 1,559 0 36 41 St. Louis, Mzuri Jan 8, 2002 #26 Morningrise Blackwater Park
Misanthrope Latin, NOT Mexican. Oct 11, 2001 11,738 12 38 43 My House. Jan 8, 2002 #27 My arms your ass
The_Wanderer In search for truth Oct 15, 2001 206 0 16 41 Santiago de chilito Visit site Jan 8, 2002 #28 STILL FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Devilish monster from the hill tick tick tick tack Jan 5, 2002 537 0 16 Jan 8, 2002 #29 ORCHID IS DA BOMB !
D Mullholand [project closed] Aug 9, 2001 874 1 18 Visit site Jan 8, 2002 #30 Still Life, with BWP and MAYH close behind. And Orchid too ! (the list is complete now, hehe)
Melancholia Eternal daydreamer May 25, 2001 4,061 58 48 Ved Buens Ende Jan 8, 2002 #31 1.Morningrise & My arms Your hearse 2.Still Life & Orchid 3.Blackwater park
opeth9999 Member Dec 23, 2001 103 0 16 Muskegon, MI Visit site Jan 8, 2002 #32 I think all of their albums are equal but if I had to put them in order it would be 1.Still Life & MAYH 2.BWP & Morningrise & Orchid
I think all of their albums are equal but if I had to put them in order it would be 1.Still Life & MAYH 2.BWP & Morningrise & Orchid
Klaha Jag är kejsaren Oct 2, 2001 418 2 18 43 Melbourne, Australia Jan 8, 2002 #33 [img-timeline] Orchid it is.
Obyeybyeogone New Metal Member Aug 12, 2001 15,063 5 0 39 Jag ska åka till Sverige så snart som möjligt Jan 8, 2002 #34 It's so hard to decide.. but i'll have to say Still Life.