Favourite quotes said by musicians.


Dec 29, 2005
Toronto, Can.
what are some of you favourite quotes from musicians metal or otherwise? just thought it'd be interesting to see what gems people could come up with.
A lot of the things that Adam D of Killswitch Engage says are pretty funny in the context that they're said in, at least to me.
''Water for Bjorn, Water for bjorn, water for bjord, water...for...bjorn..water for bjorn'' - Devin Townsend on the Soilwork making of Documentary (you can see it on youtube)

''Would I ask you a drumroll if your arm fell-off???''- James Hetfield in the A year and a half documentary

''Who's the typical Slayer fans???...The Ugliest Kid on the Block'' - Tom Araya in the fans rules doc

''You're all a bunch of Freaks'' Randy Blythe to the rest of his band during the fight between him and Mark (you can see it on the Killadelphia DVD
"We're working on 32 songs, and 26 are nearly done," he said in the interview. "People will hear music this year,"
Axl Rose, 2006, on the topic of Chinese Democracy
Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.
Gene Simmons

i back this qoute firmly


paul mccartney - paraphrased comment concerning the song "get out of my way" off of his solo album off the ground

"its a challenge to make an old classic rock song, so i was in my attic one day thinking about (something) and i came up with this song about driving down the highway going to see my girl, and thinking, "get out of my way" ya know, i'm going to see my girl.
"School is practice for the future and practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so why practice?"
Billie Joe Armstrong said something like that and I always liked it.
In an interview with John Lennon, one of the questions was "Would you agree Ringo is one of the best drummers?" John answered "Ringo...? He's not the best drummer in The Beatles" haha I've always thought that was pretty funny.
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): Could you repeat the question?
Sam Dunn: Alot of people think that Black Metal is starting to lose touch with its roots...
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): [cuts Sam off] Which ones? Who are they? Who the fuck are you talking to? FUCK THEM! Ya know...
Sam Dunn: ...Do you have a comment on that?
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): Yeah, I got a comment... FUCK YOU!... Ya know?
Zappa. Fucking, everything Zappa has ever said.

Same here. For a long time I used to have his "There is no hell - there is only France" quote as a signature on my outgoing emails. :lol: And when I did change it, I changed it to the stupidity vs hydrogen theory of his.

That man was pure gold.
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): Could you repeat the question?
Sam Dunn: Alot of people think that Black Metal is starting to lose touch with its roots...
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): [cuts Sam off] Which ones? Who are they? Who the fuck are you talking to? FUCK THEM! Ya know...
Sam Dunn: ...Do you have a comment on that?
Necrobutcher (Mayhem): Yeah, I got a comment... FUCK YOU!... Ya know?

Bwahahaha, I love this clip...cracks me the hell up :lol: He's so fucking wasted...

"For me, music and life are all about style."
