Favourite Vocalists

Amarantus said:
That and the fact you praise metalcore so much.

i used to really care about what my posts looked like, i took time to make points and such, but then i got banned and i realized that this is a fucking message board and the only reason i come here is to entertain myself, i don't even really listen to "proper" metal anymore, so why should i bother taking anything seriously?



metalcore rules. you're ignorant.
Teh Grimarse said:
i used to really care about what my posts looked like, i took time to make points and such, but then i got banned and i realized that this is a fucking message board and the only reason i come here is to entertain myself, i don't even really listen to "proper" metal anymore, so why should i bother taking anything seriously?



metalcore rules. you're ignorant.

So you are justifying your stupidity because of what your stupidity caused? Excellent.

Metalcore rules your anus. And I'm not sorry for that.
i'm justifying the fact that i put no effort into posting with the fact that this board has gone to such shit that it's not worth trying to discuss anything.

most people post here just on the hope of being quoted in someone's sig.

that's my only reason, now that i think about it.
A) Eh. I forgot to watch it but i just looked it up and yeah... that wasn't too unexpected. Funny to think about the WW2 rematch though.

B) Sha only had 16. I'm happy with that, actually.
Mavs win in 6. 5 if we're lucky. But the Heat are gonna lose the next game. I recomend you give up hope now. Avery made a dumb move when he didn't tell his players to go right at him once he had 5 fouls. I was pissed.
poland hasn't won over germany in like 860 years.


i'm predicting Diesel to drop 40 in the next game, and Dwyane puts up 20 and 10+ assists, mostly assisting Shaq, who will realize that Dallas's shitty centers are as incompetent as SA's ( :( i fucking hate nazi and rasho) and start dominating the paint like it was 1994 again.
oh, and Heat in 6, tho 7 isn't out of the question, and i predict that Dallas will go the way of the Wolves and fall the hell off next year, maybe make no.8 seed and get burnt by SA in the first round. Just my theory, but then I'm also predicting SA to get Kevin Garnett in a massive sign-and/or-trade (nazi, barry, maybe rasho and maybe MAYBE horry) during the offseason. if that happens, it's over. for everyone. forever.
on topic: Ozzy Osbourne. I know a lot of people feel that he was the weak link in classic Sabbath but his voice is extremely evocative and powerful, fits the atmosphere perfectly on the first 5 albums.

Quorthon. Pretty much the same deal; a lot of people slag the guy's vocals but to me they work perfectly!

A.A. Nemtheanga. :zombie:

Bobby Liebling. I guess I don't like a lot of traditionally talented vocalists.
ender7227 said:
Damp can control Shaq easily (...) The Mavs have way to many weapons for the Heat to defend.

Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell double-teaming couldn't control Shaquille, that's just dumb... he'll get 40 off of all the hack-a-shaq And-1s he gets... i can imagine him getting 16-18 honest baskets, and making at least 7 or 8 freethrows, and that's good for 40.

That Mavs have 3 weapons (dirk, the nutcracker {fuck jason terry}, and stack {aka robert horry's bitch}). Josh Howard is overrated, he's just a spot-fill roleplayer will really long arms and legs.