February is Black Metal history month.


cheating the polygraph
Apr 29, 2001
dead between the walls
I hereby dedicate this thread to discussion of the pioneers and other masters of this monumental and diverse art form. We must always remember the struggle that every follower of black metal has had to live through, and overcome stereotypes perpetuated by those who cannot grasp the fundamental concepts central to the genre. So set aside some of your time to listen, study, and learn. Because black metal history is every metalhead's history.
Maybe this month of celebration will force me to pull out some BM then. It's been laying low for a while, but all of a sudden, I'm in the mood for some "The Loss and Curse of Reverence" or "I am the Black Wizards"!!

When all is said and done in the world of blackness, EMPEROR simply destroy everything. :kickass:
Taken from some website:

What we now call Black History Month was originated in 1926 by Carter Godwin Woodson as Negro History Week. The month of February was selected in deference to Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln who were both born in that month.

[size=-1]The son of a slave, Carter G. Woodson was born in New Canton, Virginia on December 19, 1875. He began high school at the age of 20 and then proceeded to study at Berea College, the University of Chicago, the Sorbonne, and Harvard University, where he earned a Ph.D. in 1912.[/size] [size=-1]Carter G. Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1915 to train Black historians and to collect, preserve, and publish documents on Black life and Black people. He also founded the Journal of Negro History (1916), Associated Publishers (1922), and the Negro Bulletin (1937). Woodson spent his life working to educate all people about the vast contributions made by Black men and women throughout history. Mr. Woodson died on April 3, 1950 and Black History Month is his legacy.[/size]


Personally, I think it's insulting to have stuff like this. If I were to ask to start White History Month, I'd be branded a racist. This country is so ass backwards it's ridiculous.
Dreamlord said:
The month of February was selected in deference to Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln who were both born in that month.
Wow, I thought it had no bearing in reality whatsoever. So instead of being insanely and retardedly fucking stupid, it's just insanely fucking stupid.