feeling bad..

OH MY GOD!!! I'M BLIND!!!! hehehe :grin:
Originally posted by Sopel
i feel unwell as i wasn't on graspop and wasn't part of something that seemed to be great thing, something i could never forget, something that could make me really happy, but never mind... hope there will be anothe occasion one day.
Really a shame indeed. You should've come, Sopel. Now if I only were on this forum earlier....... :bah: :notworthy
@danny: hum naah.. im not leaving all these bad feelings and sorrow to be carried by him.. he's so much nice for me to do that.. i wouldnt.. and also i know it's not good to make someone carry ur life somehow.. :s but he really helps me a lot when im sad, and when im not sad too :) We really love each other.. :grin: thx for ur advice :)

@Sopel: I wish i could have been in Graspop but i live soooo much far :waah: so i could never manage to go.. :cry: i still wish to see Anathema playing live someday!! COME TO BRAZIL PLS! :grin:

@all others: lol u guys r crazy.. i cant understand anything of what u r talking about but it seems so funny.. lol :lol: :lol: did ya all got to meet at Graspop or what? :)

thx u all for ur support.. and no, lol im not going to take drugs or drink when i feel bad lol ;)
c yaz..
When you're feeling bad..

..take your cd-player or walkman with your favourite music and find a place which is abandoned.
And shout it all out :yell:

Usually it works for me. The difference is that I don't have a cd-player nor a walkman and I usually cannot find an abandoned place so then I'm shouting it all out in the streets. :grin:
(But then it is early in the morning and sometimes I cannot shout louder than the cars so no problem for the people who's having a rest ;) )
Originally posted by Ghostie
When you're feeling bad....take your cd-player or walkman with your favourite music and find a place which is abandoned.
And shout it all out :yell:

hey i used to do that. good idea it is :D
Originally posted by StrahmCallin'!
I recommend using drugs (stimulants) and listening to Mr. Bungle really loud while driving through the countryside. Or drinking beer and making phone calls with everyone's good friend......."Richard Roma"!

well first the only drug i'll recommend would be the good old light drug, pot and its kins. no other chemicals and stuff.

and if mr.bunge cant cheer you up, no one can. not even type o negative's funny stuff.