

New Metal Member
Jan 8, 2003
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From where i'm sitting everyone seems to hate fenders. I ask you how can you hate such a thing. Could you guys give me a general verdict so i can either prove my sinical mates right or wrong.

Cheers dudes
It's because:
A - People played cheap Fender copies that suck
B - People played entry level Fenders that were....entry level
C - They never played one and are just following the trend
D - They don't know how to play with single coils and/or prefer humbuckers

Some of the best guitarists in the world play/played strats. Fine Guitars.
Originally posted by Silverhaze
It's because:
A - People played cheap Fender copies that suck
B - People played entry level Fenders that were....entry level
C - They never played one and are just following the trend
D - They don't know how to play with single coils and/or prefer humbuckers

Some of the best guitarists in the world play/played strats. Fine Guitars.

(A): Yep. Guilty as charged.
(B): Yeah. Done that too.
(C): Clean slate here, but I rather think it's because of Fender's image, rather than a trend.
(D): Right on the money. Ugh. Singlecoils. If you know how to coax a good metal tone from a Fender singlecoil pickup, I'm actually interested to hear it. I'm aware that there are aftermarket replacements and such, but I have zero experience with them.

(E): I really don't like the neck profiles of those I played. Not the heel joint either for that matter.

(F): One thing with Fenders is that very few of them look metal-ish - not the ones you usually see anyway. When I hear "Fender", I associate it with a mental image of a surf green strat with a vintage trem, white or perloid pickguard and three "Lace sensors". I know I'm being narrow minded, but that's how it is. They have their beach rock image and I don't see why they would need to change it, now that they own Jackson Guitars.

From where I stand, I'd like to ask the people playing Fenders if they ever tried a well set up Jackson for instance. Because to me, even an entry level Jackson feels so much better than any Fender I ever laid my fingers on.

But yeah, there sure are many good metal guitarists playing them, so they can't be all bad. Let's see...Maiden play them, Yngwie plays them, Richie Blackmore...oh, and that guy from Obituary. I'm sure there are many more.

i love fenders, i dont see why any one would not like them, they just dont under stand guitars. A fender is much easier to play than a Jackson or Ibanez IMO.
i play fender guitars with huge strings 14-62 strings tuned to b high action about 5/16 from the 12th fret i love the way they play iits a fat strat h/s/s the vintage trem sucks so i dont use it. but they are about the best necks to play fast .
I'm relatively new to guitar (about a year).

I'm pretty glad that I got my cheapshit Jackson instead of a cheapshit squire.

My friend has a 70's telecaster, and personally i find the strings are more spread out.

However, if I owned the guitar I'd probably think it was kickass.
My only problems with Fenders is they have no consistancy.
Quality control isn't great with the new Fenders (Mexican and American)

I've found the Japanese made ones are very consistant and have good build quality.

I've never played around with the Squier series though.
Originally posted by Silverhaze
It's because:
A - People played cheap Fender copies that suck
B - People played entry level Fenders that were....entry level
C - They never played one and are just following the trend
D - They don't know how to play with single coils and/or prefer humbuckers
This is very true. Sit down and play an American-made one. The entry level ones and Squiers are not the finest of instruments, but uh, yeah, they are about $150, what do you expect?

My American Standard Precision bass is the best instrument I have ever played, and I have played several basses that are 2 to 3 times it's cost. Alembic, Spector, and many other multi-thousand dollar instruments that could not come close to the tone and great feel of my P. The only other basses I like as much are Ernie Ball Sterlings. Still need to get one of those...

As far as their guitars, I love the feel of a Strat. My buddy has one of those Yngwie Strats and, well, it left me rather speechless. They don't have a thick and chunky sound like a Gibson, but I can get a great tone for metal out of them anyhow.

Fenders do not in any way SUCK, if you don't like them, that's fine, but you cannot put down the legendary company as a whole.
Geez, some heads are gonna roll! :lol:

Originally posted by Silverhaze
It's because:
A - People played cheap Fender copies that suck
B - People played entry level Fenders that were....entry level
C - They never played one and are just following the trend
D - They don't know how to play with single coils and/or prefer humbuckers

Some of the best guitarists in the world play/played strats. Fine Guitars.

A - Their cheap guitars are the best bang for the buck, out of the Fender line. The Mexi-strats rival the USA Fenders in fretwork, playability and overall build quality. The bodies are actually cut and routed in Corona California... most people don't know that the Mexistrat bodies ARE US built.

B - I've played Custom Shop and USA Fenders, and they're overpriced for what they are. Sure, SOME of them are nice, but their consistency from guitar to guitar, while not as horrible as Gibson or PRS, isn't something to commend them on.

C- I've played dozens and dozens of Fenders. USA, Japanese, Mexican, etc... The early 90's Japanese Strats are some of the finest guitars Fender has ever produced. The USAs still don't hold up when you compare them with USA Jackson, USA BC Rich, USA Carvin, etc...

D - Just what I need... a noisy hum from a Fender single coil to drive the distorted channel to play metal with. Yeah. Yngwie RIPS, but his tone has always been kinda crappy...

If you have seen any photos of Fender's display at NAMM, they're basically starting to copy the old 80's Charvels (Jackson)... they're going with custom graphics, single hum, floyd rose models... (quite a few on display). Why? Cause the Metal crowd doesn't like to play a S/S/S Vintage Trem guitar... cause for metal, they do suck pretty bad, have horrible tone for metal, and go out of tune when you try to use the v-trem. :p

And as for Bass guitars, yeah the US P-Basses are pretty decent, but I'd much rather have my Warwick Thumb. It owns!

And as for worshiping fender, why don't you play a GMW/Empire, a McNaught, or even some custom Jackson or BC Rich models... you might be surprised at how much nicer the build quality and components are.

Here is my latest Jackson USA Custom. Tell me Fender has produced ANYTHING even remotely close to it, for even 4x the cost (a Custom Shop Fender costs approximately $8000)


Just more random crap in my head to add to my previous post.

Smith and Murray from Iron Maiden play strats.

Of course I think they use the humbucker sounding, single coil sized pickup though. Yeah and it's not some off the shelf guitar either. :p

I like the look of the Fenders. I prefer the "classic" looks more than say the "metal" look.

Mexican Fenders are the best bang for the buck instruments out there.
Originally posted by Edam
I hate Fenders. They look terrible and they play terribly.

:zombie: :puke:

[majWHAT THE FUCK FUCKING FUCK?¬!?!?!?!?!!??!??


seriously you may not like the look of them but Fenders play beautifully, the most comfortable instruments i have ever played in my life.
Yuck, a quilted top. :puke:

Other than that, it's a very nice looking Jackson, but how can I tell how nice it is without playing it?
Fenders are decent. Some are pretty nice. The best one I've played is the Iron Maiden model. Very nice, my friend has it, Sadly, I have not been able to find it anywhere...
I just picked up electric guitar number 8.....yup, a Mexican Fender Strat. I wanted to have at least one guitar with a maple fretboard and I wanted a strat too, so a got a (used) strat with a maple fretboard!

I'm here to tell you that it's a sweet axe!! The neck is fantastic! Not a sharp fret anywhere and smooth as can be. It rivals my SG neck. For now I'm just using it as my living room guitar through one of those tiny Marshalls and it sounds great (in a non metal way). There's no mistaking that classic lead sound. I paid $200 for it, and as far as I'm concerned, it was worth every penny of it.

Strats may or may not be a guitar for metalheads, but it's definitely a guitar for guitarists. I'm very pleased.