few bands announced for MDF VII

Dec 1, 2005
Maryland Deathfest VII
May 22nd - 24th, 2009
@ Sonar in Baltimore, MD

Pestilence (Netherlands)
Mayhem (Norway)
Atheist (Florida)
Asphyx (Netherlands)
Immolation (New York)
Brutal Truth (New York)
Hail of Bullets (Netherlands)
Abscess (California)
General Surgery (Sweden)
Today is the Day (Tennessee)
Phobia (California)
Sayyadina (Sweden)
Flesh Parade (Louisiana)
Jig-Ai (Czech Republic)
Antigama (Poland)
Gnostic (Georgia)
Crowpath (Sweden)
Man Must Die (Scotland)
Entrails Massacre (Germany)
Triac (Maryland)
+ many more T.B.A.


Hmm let's see...
Mayhem, Pestilence, Asphyx, Immolation (boring live but good in studio), and Atheist are all legends.
Hail of Bullets is a very solid band with only one release to their name, but with van Drunen on vocals you can't go wrong.
Gnostic, Today is the Day, Brutal Truth, General Surgery, Abscess, and Jig Ai are great. Phobia, Man Must Die, and Antigama are ok. The rest I haven't heard.
So that's 15 bands worth seeing right there, unless you are very anti-growls.

I'd be willing to say that most of the people saying that there are only 2-3 good bands on that list have only heard 4-5.
Does anyone actually take MAYHEM seriously?

well obviously :Smug:

Hmm let's see...
Mayhem, Pestilence, Asphyx, Immolation (boring live but good in studio), and Atheist are all legends.
Hail of Bullets is a very solid band with only one release to their name, but with van Drunen on vocals you can't go wrong.
Gnostic, Today is the Day, Brutal Truth, General Surgery, Abscess, and Jig Ai are great. Phobia, Man Must Die, and Antigama are ok. The rest I haven't heard.
So that's 15 bands worth seeing right there, unless you are very anti-growls.

I'd be willing to say that most of the people saying that there are only 2-3 good bands on that list have only heard 4-5.


I really don't find it appealing myself so Im kinda in the "who takes this seriously?" category with you Jasonic.

But I still stand by Gnostic and Atheist being good bands regardless--really the only two I'd probably care to see whether I research the other bands or not.
Sorry mate, but I have to say that each ProgPower lineup is better ;) And that's by pure enjoyment of bands. As for legends... well I guess Rocklahoma has it beat. Because it had plenty of legendary bands on it. Same with this other thing that Krucible is trying to play at.

Unfortunately for Atheist, nobody gives a shit about them anymore. Though interest will certainly have increased from when they played at Chicago Powerfest just over a year ago, due to them announcing new material.

I like Pestilence. Other bands? Either don't care about, or haven't listened to them enough to care. Looks like a bit of deathcore though.
I don't "take Mayhem seriously," but I do think they write good tunes. Not really sure what you're trying to say there Jasonic.

And I'm giving up Kamelot with 2 bands who play Atlanta all too often to go see a comedian who always plays at 21+ clubs around here (meaning I can't go!), one of my favorite metal bands, and the chance to see some good friends in the Athens area who I only see 3-4 times a year :p
...At first glance, I couldn't even READ 3/4 of those band names. Terrible logo design ftl.


if I can't read a band's name, I likely do not want to hear their over the top brutal noise either.

So Brian, while you may call this one of the greatest lineups this continent has ever seen - and some brutal music fans will undoubtedly agree with you - I just don't see it. Of course that's what makes the world go 'round: Opinions. ;)