Option 1. I am nothing (see cipher in the dictionary - the following is excerpted from the merriam-webster online)
Main Entry: 1ci·pher Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: primarystresssimacrfschwa(r)
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French cifre, from Medieval Latin cifra zero, from Arabic sifr empty, cipher, zero
1 : the symbol 0 denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity : NAUGHT, ZERO -- see NUMBER table
2 a : a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning (1) by systematically replacing the letters of the plaintext by substitutes in the same sequence either singly or in pairs or other polygraphs (as by writing 1 for A, 2 for B, etc., or F for A, S for B, etc., or QL for AB, etc.) or (2) by systematically rearranging the plaintext letters into another sequence (as by writing them normally in a rectangle and then copying them off from the columns taken in an arbitrary succession) -- called also respectively (1) substitution cipher and (2) transposition cipher; compare CODE 3 b : a prescription for a cipher system : a key or memorandum that enables decipherment c : a message in cipher : a text in secret writing
3 : an arabic numeral : NUMBER, FIGURE
4 a obsolete : a symbolic character (as a letter, hieroglyph, or astrological sign) b : a combination of symbolic letters; especially : the interwoven initials of a name : DEVICE, MONOGRAM <an engraver's cipher> c : a sign in Karl Jaspers' existentialism serving to mediate between the existent and the transcendent
5 : one that has no weight, worth, or influence : NONENTITY <doomed to die as a cipher in some vast statistical operation in which our teeth would be counted ... but our death itself would be unknown -- Norman Mailer>
6 : the sounding of an organ pipe caused by a mechanical defect
Option 2. I am nothing because I live in a mechanized, soulless sociey (iPod, iTunes, iCipher etc). This sounds like something Bad Religion would write, but then again, some of the lyrics on Character had this slant
Option 3. Wordplay on Lucifer, including or excluding the previous ideas, but that's farfetched because the spelling is not "Lucipher".