
Ron MOSH Earl said:
Count me in as another who's dissapointed with the top 12. Who hasn't already heard Bush sing Antisocial and Got the Time? Vote for Finale dammit!!
I agree, they need to take Antisocial and Got the Time off the poll. Also they need to make this sucker 2 CDs. Make the second CD songs the board regulars want to hear :Smug:
The fact that there is only one song from Spreading and one from Fistful is a freakin crime. How can this present for the "Old School" fans not have a mandatory 2 songs from ALL of the releases. It will be a crime if Got the Time and Antisocial make the cut and A.I.R or Gung-Ho and Deathrider or Panic do not.......

a fuckin crime................
I know a lot of you on this board have had a chance to see them live as of late, but most of us out here haven't seem them for years, if ever. Hell, it was 1993 the last time I had a chance to see them in Seattle. As a result, I think what you are looking at here is a list of their most popular "old school" songs. Who wants to hear remakes of a bunch of the crappy songs no one listens to? Would Bush singing a crappy Joey song make it a good song? I doubt it, but Bush singing a good Joey song would make it fucking brilliant song. I think that's the point.
What they're saying is that there is plenty of good songs to do. Personally If I don't hear Madhouse on it I won't be pissed. Now Got the Time and Anti-Social need to go. Crazy old skoolers like me would love Gung Ho or for me Skeletons in the Closet.
the top 12 is looking pretty boring to be honest. but they really should drop antisocial and got the time - they have become really clichéd songs. and plus they are just covers. i would much rather hear time or finale...

that 12 is looking like a regular anthrax setlist zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......