Finally found my stolen Caparison after 2 years!!!!


Nov 9, 2006
Long story short.

2 years ago (pretty much to the day) my dellinger was stolen from my workplace, the police were contacted and the insurance paid out. I never thought I would see this guitar again (which for the record I love and has some sentimental value as I wrote all of my last bands demo on it and it really seemed to inspire me, but anyway......)

Fast forward to last Sunday......A friend on the ESP board contacted me on ebay informing me of a caparison for sale in the Manchester area which reminded him of mine that was stolen which I made a thread about at the time.

Needless to say, the police were called and came round to take a statement/gather all my photographic evidence at 10 to 12 monday night and didn't leave until gone 2 am. However, last night I received a call from the police ebay team advising me that they pretty much have "more important things to do" and "that they didn't see the point as I had an insurance payout" I argued my case, stating that I can prove this guitar is mine even down to the matching grain patterns on the reverse of the headstock but they had none of it.

As a last resort and after following the correct avenues ebay/police etc I contacted the seller myself. I told him the full story also sent him a link to my photobucket album of guitar plus many live shots where you can clearly see all the identifying marks etc etc to which he responded minutes later. To my amazement he pulled the auction and even offered to hear me out and let me show him in person my evidence to prove to him that this is infact my stolen guitar.

I recieved a phonecall the day after telling me to go see them as they literally worked 1 minutes walk from my workplace. The guy was an old chinese guy who runs a martial arts store nextdoor to one of our better venues in the city and told me he had bought it off a dude who was playing there that night seemed quite legit with it as well. I offered him what he paid for it (£250 which is a steal in anyones book) and walked out with it.

I'm beyond stoked to have this guitar back in my possession and it's really rekindled my inspiration in writing new music.

Heres some pics of said guitar



Once again massive thanks to ESPSY for the heads up I deffo owe him a beer or three when I see him.

Thats awesome dude!
the shock of loss must've been tough...
its nice when you find out genuinely nice people ain't it...
Awesome story. Except about the police being cunts.

Well, in their defense, justice was already "served" when this guy got his insurance payout, and they didn't have any clues as to who actually stole it, so there was really nothing for them to do.

But aside from that, glad to hear you got your guitar back, man! :headbang::headbang:
That happens very rarely.
Well, in their defense, justice was already "served" when this guy got his insurance payout, and they didn't have any clues as to who actually stole it, so there was really nothing for them to do.

But aside from that, glad to hear you got your guitar back, man! :headbang::headbang:
That happens very rarely.

Yeah, I get that but still, it's stolen property which I could prove. But, it wasn't just that, the officer who I spoke to was a complete piece of shit with the worst attitude you could ever imagine and this is coming from someone who usually has an immense amount of respect for police/service officers.

But anyway happy outcome indeed, thanks guys!!!
Well, in their defense, justice was already "served" when this guy got his insurance payout, and they didn't have any clues as to who actually stole it, so there was really nothing for them to do.

But aside from that, glad to hear you got your guitar back, man! :headbang::headbang:
That happens very rarely.

Frankly, fuck that logic. It's his guitar, doesn't matter if he's had an insurance payout or not imo.