

The Entwined
Nov 23, 2001
Switzerland / Croatia
I need some help from you Finns out there (since I only know the "bad" words *gg*). Can you plz translate this for me:
"No johan on vittu kuvia..."
Somehow I couldn´t make any sense out of it..
Originally posted by Eos
I need some help from you Finns out there (since I only know the "bad" words *gg*). Can you plz translate this for me:
"No johan on vittu kuvia..."
Somehow I couldn´t make any sense out of it..

"Fuck, what kind of pictures are these", not literal translations but captures the spirit
well, that's kinda difficult to's a saying, but one letter has been changed (kultaa->multaa), so its meaning changes complitely too.. Hitler??
(the original saying goes like 'time gilds the memories', dunno what's 'multaa' in english but kinda like 'time moulds the memories..' or somethin..?? :D )
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Btw... And what does Aika Multaa Muistot mean? :confused:

I asked Ville the same at the Summer Breeze. He said that actualy it can also mean something good. I wanted him to explain that to me but he was like "hmmmm... well it's like... ah... ask me tomorrow, ok?" :lol:
I didn't meet him the day after but will soon and I'll ask him again about it then :D
I'm quite confused with all these finnish bands... is Entwine the one often blamed for being HIM clone? I just wanna know what band we're talking about since I don't listen to 'em...

And if that's the band, one funny (or idiotic, depends on which side are you on :D ) thing happened at one of their gigs. One guy (quite a big shot in finnish metal scene, if I remember right) stole most of the Entwine's beer from the backstage and when he was asked why he did it, he replyed 'well they stole HIM's songs, we're even now' :lol:

Ok, maybe this wasn't funny to Eos :D
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I'm quite confused with all these finnish bands... is Entwine the one often blamed for being HIM clone? I just wanna know what band we're talking about since I don't listen to 'em...

Maybe you are talking about To/Die/For, Charon or Entwine...
I must say that only people who don't listen closely to Entwine's music can call them HIM-clones. First of all HIM is only one guy (Ville). He writes all the music alone and he's the only one who's really good in what he's doing. Entwine write the most of the stuff together. They are better musicians than the other guys from HIM will ever be. Entwine are a band and they also act that way. The oppinion of all the members is worth the same and their music is not based on a good looking bandmember (even if they could do that too ;) ).
So plz don't call them Him-clones! :mad:
I didn't call them Him-clones. Just wanted to know if that's the band often (in the beginning at least) referred to being one. In the finnish rockmagazines, offcourse...

And that story I told could be also about To?Die&For, I get confused.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I didn't call them Him-clones. Just wanted to know if that's the band often (in the beginning at least) referred to being one. In the finnish rockmagazines, offcourse...

That's ok.. I just wanted to scary you enough so you wouldn't ever get the idea to call them like that ;) :D