
Originally posted by speakinstone
who doesn't even look good..! :zombie: (ville valo that is)

Well he's not what I would call a beautiful man ("man"?? hehe *joooking* ;) ) but he has got this "something".. Charisma (is it the same word in English?? :confused: )... the right guy for a frontman... for a band like HIM ;)
Originally posted by Eos
Well he's not what I would call a beautiful man ("man"?? hehe *joooking* ;) ) but he has got this "something".. Charisma (is it the same word in English?? :confused: )... the right guy for a frontman... for a band like HIM ;)

he WAS kinda charismatic before, but nowadays..dunno, maybe he's wearing too much make-up or something..:lol: not that there's something wrong with make-up, but he's gay. :cool: :grin:
Originally posted by speakinstone
he WAS kinda charismatic before, but nowadays..dunno, maybe he's wearing too much make-up or something..:lol: not that there's something wrong with make-up, but he's gay. :cool: :grin:

Problemo No. uno: he cut his hair!!!! :mad:

@longhaired men out there: never cut your hair without a good reason :grin:
Originally posted by Hearse

Also where is few good phrases that you really cant translate.

"Vituiks meni tääki vapaustaistelu"

"Tää homma meni nyt ihan reisille"

And my favorite:
"Tuleeko tästä nyt mitään vai pistetäänkö housut takas jalkaan?"

Please translate if you can, but I doubt it :lol:

try this 'kaveri on vähä huonos hapes..' :lol:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I'm so angry I had to cut my rastas? dreadlocks? because of the army :mad:

:waah: :waah: NOOOOOOO!!!
That sucks!!! In Switzerland you don't have to cut your har when you go to the army :) .. but you have to wear one those little nets over your hair :lol:

Well grow them again.. and don't do the dreadlocks :grin: ;)
Originally posted by Eos
Problemo No. uno: he cut his hair!!!! :mad:

@longhaired men out there: never cut your hair without a good reason :grin:

it depends.. i've seen many guys who're looking better after cuttin their hair..
but that's quite individual thing.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
because of the army :mad:

BTW.. how does the finnish army work.. I mean is it like you have to go to the army and you stay there for few weeks/months and that's it or is it more the american style that you go if you like to and then it's kinda job.
If the first way... how long is it.. and at what age do you have to go?
Originally posted by Hearse
Yes those are definitely good reasons for cutting your hair off.
I think its looking quite pathetic when balding men try to keep their long hair. We already got Juice Leskinen (the long haired bald finn) :lol:

Never got why some long haired persons let their hair look like hemp.

Devin Townsend :lol: his hair should reeaally be cut off :rolleyes: