Originally posted by Bambi
btw the only finnish word I know is perkele (suprise suprise) and the only finnish person I asked what it meant was a strict christian who was really shocked that I knew it heheheheh
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Nightwish my assmost boring concerts I've ever seen. (at festivals, obviously). I've only heard one or two songs of rapture, I think I should dig in to that more.![]()
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
What's wrong with Rapture? 'Cause most of the things I've heard about it were positive...
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Tuesdays suck.
Suckydi suck.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
From what I've heard they play Katatoniaold K, that is...
Sucking sucks.
(well, not really)
Socks suck.
Sucking duck with socks sucking sockless duck. Suck, duck, SUCK!
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Shit I'm tired. Loose cannon, one could say.
Originally posted by eup
cool... first um won't take my replys, then i can see them here there times![]()
Originally posted by eup
have a nice week![]()
Originally posted by speakinstone
Well, then I may like 'em..though I prefer listen Katatonia itself.(btw I didn't even know Rapture's finnish band..are they?
Sucking ducks socks sucks..eh?
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
That is so familiar, or what says stone?
Originally posted by speakinstone
god I hate these damn early wakings..
Originally posted by Hearse
Rapture play alot like Thy Serpent's Death MCD style.
Which is mix of old Katatonia, Opeth etc.
Fintrolls drummer plays in Rapture and Thy Serpents guitarist plays in Rapture... its mix of few bands![]()