First Impressions (dont read if you dont wanna hear about CotE)

i'll say two things:

1. no mail on sundays.

2. it wasn't found somewhere that other people will be finding it, and i won't be sharing.
That's cool, man. :)

I would be pretty incredulous to know that not 20 copies have been sold yet and already someone put it up for download. I mean, that would be really heinous.
Ian, Firedwarf... you guys are killing me. I'll be lucky to have it by this coming Friday.

P.S. Yes, I am impatient, but I haven't been this excited over a CD in a loooong time.
To be perfectly honest, I haven't beenshocked by the direction of the album, but I have been very pleasantly surprised by how totally awesome it is. Since I had to work today, I've pretty much only gotten in one proper listen and I'm having a very difficult time trying to rank the songs. At this moment I'd put them in this order:

The Antique (especially the long, beautiful mellow ending (i heard it for the first time driving home and it was too easy to get lost in to be listening to while driving))

Second place tie between Wayfarer and Marathon

The Manifold Curiosity

A Pitcher Of Summer (last only because it's probably the most accessable, but it's still very delicate and completely awesome)

I don't want to make any hasty conclusions, but unless for some terribly odd reason this album ages badly (which it won't, I see the opposite happening) or unless something comes out of the blue that somehow manages to be better, this'll likely be album of the year for me. I'll be doing a more in depth review on within a week or so, I'll link it whenever it goes up.
My tentative ranking of songs goes as:

The Manifold Curiosity
The Antique
A Pitcher of Summer

This'll probably change today, though..cuz they've been changing everytime I listen to the album. Manifold went from the bottom spot to the top spot.
Main Entry: 1pitch·er
Pronunciation: 'pi-ch&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English picher, from Old French pichier, from Medieval Latin bicarius goblet
Date: 13th century
1 : a container for holding and pouring liquids that usually has a lip or spout and a handle
2 : a modified leaf of a pitcher plant in which the hollowed petiole and base of the blade form an elongated receptacle
- pitch·er·ful /-"ful/ noun