RANT - Dont Read If You Dont Like Rants

You guys hit on my point exactly. Like I said I spent 2 years reading before I started asking questions. These guys need to do the same.

Albeit I was a little more harsh and mean as usual.... cant help it I am from Brooklyn I know nothing of being calm cool and collected. I was born an asshole :)
I remember reading for quite a lot of months before even registering here. I read like a maniac, learned a ton of stuff, then I actually recorded that Summer of 2008 project (in my sig) with everything I had learned and I remember my first post was like me releasing that fucking project to gain feedback and advice. That's how I "started here". I can't say I've been active around the forum lately because I'm so busy so I haven't seen these threads you mention but I'm definately picking up that vibe overall anyhow.

As everyone else have said, the best thing to do is fucking READ. If you can't, you don't have any interest in this subject and should thus not even bother recording. In that case, you probably just want to learn recording just to be able to say you're some audio engineer or some shit.
I thinkn it's a normal side effect if the community grows.
I'm totally with you Guru, those posters are just lazy as fuck. The knowledge is HERE, maybe a few sites back but is it really soo hard to use the search function?!

Imo is the only way to avoid those topics just the sentence "use search" and be done. No explanations and no discussions...

It's a common problem.
Imo is the only way to avoid those topics just the sentence "use search" and be done. No explanations and no discussions...

It's a common problem.

not the worst idea I've heard ... works two fold. Either encourages the person to actually use the search function, or they get pissed off and think everyone here is elitist and therefore lose interest in sticking around ... especially after they realize they're being ignored

to further what a few have said, I actually was on here every day for like 2 years reading through everything I could and taking notes extensively before I ever signed up as well
I really can't stand like 80% of that forum nowadays. I don't know why I still post there. reading posts there actually makes me cringe sometimes. I like a lot of the bands guys there like, but there's sooooooo many young kids, so much ignorance, so much blatantly retarded bullshit spewed like fact...
We simply need to lock down that forum so only KNOWN members or members that are given access can get in there to post shit....lol

i got it, we put together a test! If you pass you get in, if you fail GTFO!

Q. Whats the LAST thing you do when trying to tame the low end on guitars?
A. Use Andy Sneaps c4 settings

Question 2:
How many plugins have you stolen in the last 6 months?
A: any more then 0 then GTFO!

Question 3:
Do you play djent?
A: If yes GTFO!

Do you own a BBE Sonic Maximizer?
A: If yes GTFO!

Name 5 albums Andy Sneap produced that doesnt include NEVERMORE or Killswitch Engage
A: If they cant GTFO!

That is actually a bit unfair as Andy likes the Racto and had an fondness for the Rev1 for a while. But it still stands that is you dont like it at all then GTFO!

What does that have to do with not liking 5150s? Andy loves the 5150.

Oh, and FWIW, I've actually heard he doesn't like the rackto all that much and was thinking about selling it.... supposedly it always "lost" when doing reamping tests...