I dont give a piss - New Guilty Pleasure Adele ..OMG


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Ok so I have to be honest and say I really don't pay attention to the pop charts here in the states. I stick to my CD collection and the small hand full of artists I have been listening too for years. If someone recommends something to me I check it out. That being said .....

Its no big secret that the American music scene is full of "studio" made bands that are auto tuned and edited to death. There are a few artists I still enjoy who do have current success, The Foo Fighters, Halestorm, to name 2 that come to mind off the top of my head. Well now there is a new one ...

A friend of mine has been busting my ass to listen to Adele for about a year, and knowing what happens to most artists after to win your first Grammy I avoided her like the plague. Well last night I couldnt.....

I was flipping through the channels on the television when I heard this BOOMING soulful voice and I stopped dead in my tracks. There was this blonde with big hair, tons of makeup, and a live band on stage. I was sucked in, and it grabbed my attention, I couldn't turn away. I turned to my girlfriend and said, "hey babe who is this?" she turned to me and said Adele......mind you I only caught the last minute to 30 seconds of the song.

I was fucking speechless, completely in awe of this voice that came out of this woman's body. It literally made the hair on my arms stand up. This was REAL, this was PURE, and it was delivered with a style and class FEW have ever pulled off live in ANY capacity. The real shocker for me was to find out that it was the Grammys I was watching ...lol LIVE MUSIC ON THE GRAMMYS??? WTF ....LOL

So needless to say I got to the studio SUPER fucking early this morning and I have been spinning Youtube videos of this chick all morning. All i can say is WOW!.... Just FUCKING WOW!

(feel free to start the faggot jokes, and call me names, its ok ...lol)
I still don't understand why Americans go bat shit crazy for Adele, she's good and all that, but she has been overplayed massively, I mean she was being played every 15 minutes on the radio when I was over there aha. That being said, everyone did the same in the UK when she performed at the Brits and started crying mid performance, at least it's some genuine talent getting the attention I guess.
at least it's some genuine talent getting the attention I guess.

Thats the EXACT point. No Auto-Tune, she writes her own songs. She HAS genuine talent which in the American market is really very rare. We gave the world things like P.Diddy, Puffy Combs, and Evanesence, trust me man the fucking brits are where its at for talent ....lol

The Beatles
Rolling Stones

Well then again they did give us the spice girls....LOL

No but seriously there is a SEVERE lack of talented and deserving artists here in the states getting record deals. Here you need to be a pushover. You need looks, talent comes second, and sometimes its not a factor at all as long as you do exactly what the labels tell you.
Rolling in the Deep (yes the original, not the cover linked above) just sounds exactly like Amy Winehouse to me; I acknowledged her talent and ability and managed to find some enjoyment in the music from it, not sure I could do it again with this one :lol: (but yes, great singer, etc. etc., but I'll take a black woman singer over her any day :D)
My problem with Adele is that she's mainly "just" a voice (i'm not meaning it's less of an achievement), imo her songs are not awesome in themselves, nor all the arrangements, nothing that would diserve "album of the year" in my book. I would love if the music was on another level (just like this piano on "someone like you", it's like the most uninspired piano lines of all time and really annoys me considering it could at least support the voice more intelligently). It's her voice that makes those songs good ! I like her voice, her style and singing, her expression, but the music doesn't transport me that much.

I think she even said herself that she's good at singing but not at writing.

She indeed has a very beautiful voice, we'll see how the future will be for her, if she's gonna make it a legend or be the popstar of the early 2010's !
Nothing gay or otherwise wrong about it even if you are a hardcore metalhead if the chick has a nice and sexy voice.

There are some non metal bands that i like, but would never listen to if they had a male vocalist - Roxette and The Corrs for example.
Adele is cool, I quite enjoy her music.
To think that a man becomes gay when listening to good music is a whole other level of gay in my opinion.
I understand a lot of people like her voice (including my wife), and I'm not detracting from that or her talent, but personally...I can't stand her voice or any other similar sounding voices/singers. The vocal range, the inflections, the overall style...really just not my thing at all. I love to hear good singers, but I can't stand more than a few seconds of her singing.
Woah, I decided to finally listen to one of her songs today because I thought "maybe you'll like it". Well, I'm gonna have to agree with Cryo and grywolf.. can't stand the voice - at all. And I don't like the songs or the arrangements either. But to each is own I guess, at least I tried to like her ;)

Who I think has an amazing voice and ridiculous skills on pretty much any instrument that was ever invented (especially the harp) is her: (vocals start at 1:24)

Our lecturer showed this live concert to us because it was a good example for an incredible surround (5.1) mix - remember it's completely live - and I am actually thinking about getting the CD.
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I can't stand that kind of vocal vibrato.

I understand a lot of people like her voice (including my wife), and I'm not detracting from that or her talent, but personally...I can't stand her voice or any other similar sounding voices/singers. The vocal range, the inflections, the overall style...really just not my thing at all. I love to hear good singers, but I can't stand more than a few seconds of her singing.

I still don't understand why Americans go bat shit crazy for Adele, she's good and all that, but she has been overplayed massively, I mean she was being played every 15 minutes on the radio

Yea, I just really can't stand it too. Sure, it's the 'in' thing and sure it's got talent but...just really isn't for me and tbh, kind of hurt's me ears....:loco:
No disrespect :)