First Maryland Deathfest XII bands announced

Nice try....
Was only a casual fan of Emperor the first time around, and today not my thing at all.....

Just saying there definitely seems to be a TON more interest in the band now than when they did the last reunion.

I agree that Emperor in their "wave" (And I am not going to discuss what is 1st VS 2nd VS 3rd, since everyone has their own opinion and furthermore I couldn't care less), is leaps and bounds above the others in terms of talent and creativity.
Err, sorry, you said hardly anyone cared about the last reunion. But sold out US shows @ $60/ticket, headlining or high-billed slots at Inferno, Wacken, Hellfest, and other high-profile fests seem to paint a different picture...!

Yes, a band might gain more fans when they've been around for 15 years, compared to how many they had at 10 years of activity, compared to 5, and maybe even more at 20 than at 15. And on and on and on...
Err, sorry, you said hardly anyone cared about the last reunion. But sold out US shows @ $60/ticket, headlining or high-billed slots at Inferno, Wacken, Hellfest, and other high-profile fests seem to paint a different picture...!

$90 in NYC.

Yes, a band might gain more fans when they've been around for 15 years, compared to how many they had at 10 years of activity, compared to 5, and maybe even more at 20 than at 15. And on and on and on...

Nice try....
Was only a casual fan of Emperor the first time around, and today not my thing at all.....

Just saying there definitely seems to be a TON more interest in the band now than when they did the last reunion.

I agree that Emperor in their "wave" (And I am not going to discuss what is 1st VS 2nd VS 3rd, since everyone has their own opinion and furthermore I couldn't care less), is leaps and bounds above the others in terms of talent and creativity.


Just admit that you're wrong. :lol:

You said "no one gave a crap" about Emperor back in the day. That's not just a wrong assumption (yes, you were "there" at the time, but you're ultimately assuming it), it's plain idiotic. Emperor was one of the biggest names in the genre. Two of their releases have constantly been hailed as some of the best extreme metal work in history. Everyone "gave a crap" about the band.

How do you justify sold out shows on their last reunion?
*Keeping in mind said reunion happened less than 4 years after they 'broke up' and released their last album, a shorter gap than many active bands have between releases.
Here's the thing with Jason. He tends to think that if people don't talk about them on forums and such he frequents that no one cares. I don't recall the band, but there was one band this year he said no one cared about, yet were selling out shows. Jason, just because it isn't talked about in places you frequent, doesn't make a band not popular. What's even more puzzling is the fact that you're commenting about a band in a genre you admit not to care much for and don't follow. Why you even chimed in is beyond me.
Here's the thing with Jason. He tends to think that if people don't talk about them on forums and such he frequents that no one cares. I don't recall the band, but there was one band this year he said no one cared about, yet were selling out shows. Jason, just because it isn't talked about in places you frequent, doesn't make a band not popular. What's even more puzzling is the fact that you're commenting about a band in a genre you admit not to care much for and don't follow. Why you even chimed in is beyond me.

Because it's the internet, which was invented to keep Jason and Bob off the streets.
*Keeping in mind said reunion happened less than 4 years after they 'broke up' and released their last album, a shorter gap than many active bands have between releases.

Yes, this is exactly what I meant, stated more elegantly.
I agree, the reunion, so to speak, happened when the ink wasnt even dry on their break up.

Black metal wasn't as universally hailed as a popular genre here in the states until after they broke up initially.

I realize my choice in words in saying "no one cared about the reunion", may have been misleading as I meant that it doesn't hold a candle to what demand for Emperor seems to be these days.

Carry on - It's Emperor, and I probably shouldn't have even commented.

Put me back on the armchair quarterback bench!!! LOL
Because it's the internet, which was invented to keep Jason and Bob off the streets.


@ Simon - I commented, because I have seen how the interest in Emperor has grown from true kvlt status (you know from when they toured with Borknagar), to Candlelight Records US Distribution, to the breakup, Reunion, and beyond.......

It's certainly a testament to the legacy of the bands music, and how the interest for the band has expanded FAR beyond the black metal genre.

Go back to Prog Power III for example.
Do you think an Emperor or Isahn solo appearance would have been as palletable THEN as it is NOW?

The same can certainly not be said about Dark Throne, Dark Funeral, Mayhem, Old Man's Chili, etc........

I would say Immortal would be a close second, and rightfully so.
I didn't bring Manilla Road into this, why do you have to bring Angra to the argument now?



Hey, the same can be said about Manilla Road too!!!
Shoot, they are a top 10 band for me, and I first got into them only in like 2005.

Not totally sure I get your Angra comment though, other than I know they are your fav.
Nice try....
Was only a casual fan of Emperor the first time around, and today not my thing at all.....

Just saying there definitely seems to be a TON more interest in the band now than when they did the last reunion.

I agree that Emperor in their "wave" (And I am not going to discuss what is 1st VS 2nd VS 3rd, since everyone has their own opinion and furthermore I couldn't care less), is leaps and bounds above the others in terms of talent and creativity.

So instead of admitting to being completely incorrect, yet again, you cross your arms and pout about how your magical internet hype sensing abilities (that nobody other than you possess!) are generating higher popularity readings for Emperor now than before (scratch that - that nobody previously cared about them, no less!) in spite of the factual data presented against you stating otherwise.

Par for course with Jasonic! I expect no less.
So instead of admitting to being completely incorrect, yet again, you cross your arms and pout about how your magical internet hype sensing abilities (that nobody other than you possess!) are generating higher popularity readings for Emperor now than before (scratch that - that nobody previously cared about them, no less!) in spite of the factual data presented against you stating otherwise.

Par for course with Jasonic! I expect no less.

I stated that my choice of words was poor........

Yet again you choose to jump in late on the band wagon and beat a dead horse.
Go back to Prog Power III for example.
Do you think an Emperor or Isahn solo appearance would have been as palletable THEN as it is NOW?

Nah, because Ihsahn's solo band Peccatucm wasn't really well received when that was around and that stuff is very similar to what he's doing now.

The same can certainly not be said about Dark Throne, Dark Funeral, Mayhem, Old Man's Chili, etc........

I would say Immortal would be a close second, and rightfully so.

Actually Darkthrone is arguably bigger than both Emperor and Immortal - especially considering that they don't play live. Nocturno Culto did Darkthrone songs live with Satyricon back in 2004 as a headlining act for Wacken that year. Fenriz gets six figure offers from festivals every year in Europe to do Darkthrone live with Nocturno Culto and they turn it down.
ULVER (Norway) - First time in the US / Exclusive US show! Please refer to their band profile on the MDF website for more info about their performance.
CANDLEMASS (Sweden) - Exclusive US show!
SARKE (Norway) - Featuring Nocturno Culto of Darkthrone - Exclusive US show!
ASPHYX (Netherlands) - Exclusive US show!
TANKARD (Germany) - Exclusive US show!
GOD MACABRE (Sweden) - First time in the US / Exclusive US show!
SOILENT GREEN - First confirmed US show in years!
MACHETAZO (Spain) - Exclusive US show!