First Opeth Purchase?

"Well, the only reason i don't just get Orchid is that i've heard it isn't as good as the rest of their stuff, and i don't want to start out with a lesser album or anything.."

Well, that's cool. As long as you know these people's musical tastes that you got these opinions from. My first buy was MAYH and I thought it was amazing. Orchid is a second favorite. I've been given opinions on music by people before and have tried to make my decisions on their words. As time goes by, sometimes I wish I hadn't. It's hard to make some choices as it is, nevermind when you add on asking others to make them for you.

So? How do you like BWP and D1?! :D
Don't pay attention to the "nu metal kids want BWP" comment.. It in no way resembles nu-metal.. I just think Morningrise is a lot more catchy and easier to get into.. although the drawn out slow parts might not pullyou in right away.. its the one I started with and I was very pleased with it.

the reason MAYH isnt mentioned as a first buy, I think, is because its been known as being harder to get into.. but of course once you do get into it, its amazing.

btw, i FINALLY bought still life yesterday. I've had the songs as mp3's for a while but god damn it's great listening to as a whole album, and now I'm really getting into the songs. I never saw it at any stores around here until yesterday so I bought it. I love it :)
I have no favorite Opeth but I'd have to say that Still Life is their best album as a whole for newcomers. The first 3 are the best in my mind but the latest releases are still breathtaking! Orchid and Morningrise are an intimate example of Opeths guitar playing. And MYAH is just Opeth claiming the throne of music forever...Still Life first though. Hail Opeth!
Holy crap, there are to many variables and ideas... I am the COMPLETE NOOBIE to Opeth never heard of them or about them or heard THEM. But in every forum, there they are. Opeth this Opeth that, plus I read an article about them in a Swedish guitar magazine. I know I will be blown away at the first listening, so... Anyone care to list what each album is like? Death metal, progressive etc... (Don't want to stick my chine out but if the rumours carry HALF of what I am hearing then I've been living under a rock for quite some time!!!) I really enjoy COB, Evergrey, Norther etc.. Want to pop the cherry with the best guitar album, solo's from here to Brazil and all that.

-Humbly yours the new guy.
" every forum, there they are. Opeth this Opeth that, plus I read an article about them in a Swedish guitar magazine."

I'm glad they're getting recognition. It's well overdue IMO. I was blown away by their third release, "My Arms, Your Hearse". Not part of the majority there. I can't understand it personally. That album, from start to the very last note, astonished me. Music became a passion in my life because of this band and that album. :loco:

"Anyone care to list what each album is like?"

Just like this thread, there are MANY different views on this. My take is "Orchid" and "Morningrise" (their first two) have the most similar styles compared to the rest of the albums. Much twin harmony guitars, massive bass lines and chaotic drums. I called them "viking-like." There's riffs on them they'd been working on for years before their first release.

"My Arms, Your Hearse" [bias] is the ultimate demon of them all, [/bias] and "Still Life" is incredible in itself. Both of these have a story to them. I think these two albums, a must IMO, were like their next step to defining their (jaw-dropping) abilities. Just sick! The bassest and the drummer change during this time and what they come up with is STILL un-fkn-believeable. Those first four albums, if you haven't noticed, are my favorites. No question about it.

And then they released "Blackwater Park." No complaints my man!!! It might not be a favorite, but the riffs they come out with on this album I won't deny they're powerful. I can't describe it really. "Deliverance" is part of a two album deal they did. D1 was HEAVY and D2 ("Damnation") is... if you like acoustics, ju betta GET BAAAACK! :p I couldn't possibly do these guys justice trying to describe their albums like this. I'd never be satisfied with my words. There's just something about Opeth that you can't miss out on. SO DON'T!

"...if the rumours carry HALF of what I am hearing then I've been living under a rock for quite some time!!!"

:D The rumors. That's what grabbed my interest years ago. Welcome!
Yep, Blackwater Park is definitely a good start even though it take me a loooooot of time to appreciate the style of Opeth. It worth patience man.

I've always been on the MEGADETH board before and everybody was talking OPETH here OPETH there. They all recommend BWP first and it worked well for me.