First time with 81´s (Rectifier reamp - thanks Analgrinder)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :)

I recorded this in the last weeks. It´s the first song I used my brand new ltd fx360 for. You can guess, if the drums are real or not. This is seriously the shortest song I´ve ever recorded. Version is pretty rough though - only basic tracks so far. BIG THANKS to Mr. Analgrinder for re-amping it...(I only used the sm57 tracks yet) Tell me,

What do you think about the..

-the mix/sound generally

Here ya go: ...Into the next


I'm gonna say ....... fake drums

guitars are meaty as hell dude! overall mix sounds a bit boomy and bass heavy to me but its rough and I'm listening on some shitty pc speakers right now
Sound really oldschool, I dig at first listen but I'm not at home actualy so I don't want say something mixing related before a proper listen.
guitars could use a bit moar gaiiiin for my tastes
drums sound programmed, but did you use your own samples?
really did the tune man!
you should write some faster stuff dude, I think it would turn out br00talz ;)
Thanks mates :kickass:

Drums are real played, except the part beginning at 1:30 ending 1:58, the rest is my playing. Of course, I replaced the kick and the snare (Yamaha snare & sneap kick). Toms and overheadz are 100% real though.
Got a 152.26 bpm barrier and I hate blastbeatz :lol:

No seriously, maybe I write some faster stuff the next time..I´m fucking pissed anyway :devil:

Thrashy upbeat drums FT fucking W Felix! :devil:
Your solo style would fit perfectly for some thrashier songs imho

nichts prügelt dir die angepisstheit besser raus lol
Thanks dude! I only did the DI tracks, after that I gave it further to forum member Analgrinder333, he reamped it through a dual rectifier (sm57). After that I used some c4 and eq to let it sound more middy.

For add a little:

Initial reamp was done with 2 mics (a sm57 and a SE condenser mic) for let's more possibility. Chain was really simple,TS9 going to my lovely 2 channels dual rectifier (already hear like a million time on this forum :D) through my 1960A with g12t75 speaker.
Red in modern mod, Bolt and silicon diode, gain around 12 o'clock. My main goal was to keep an oldschool wibe crunchy sound without sacrifying definition.

Cool to see some guy like it:headbang:

@Felix: I think you need to lower bass guitar a little bit...
Thanks mates! :)

Yeah Analgrinder...your reamping is phantastic! Thanks for sharing the info.

I can promise, this song will be kickass at the end..I´m just working on the vocals. The name will be "The Ballad of Roland D.O.G". I also plan to produce a video for it then. Can´t wait to show you the version with vocals :D
... old skool vibe diggin it man!guitars sound coool!

Thanks Zakky :)

I started recording vocals today and I can promise the finished product/mix will sound killer.

And mates....LOOK AT MY SIG! Masterbeast did the artworks and Mago the "Gunslinger´s Ka" logo. A good friend of mine, Martin helped me with the signature. Kudos to ya all. You can be corious about the Myspace then :devil: