Focusrite Saffire PRO 24 anyone ?


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2008
I`m looking for a soundcard with 2 quality mic pres, and I was wondering has anyone any experience with the Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 ?
A local store recommended this card, they said it was top notch.

Other suggestions in the same price range ?
(PC and Cubase5 user).

Thanks :rock:
Focusrite Saffire OWNS....... IF you get it to work.
It has some serious problems on some computers as it seems to be incompatible with some pieces of hardware.
We actually sent 2 of them back for repairs, turns out nothing was wrong with them!

But as i said, if you get them to work, they are f-in awesome!
Thanks for replying Notuern!
Hmm that doesn`t sound too promising..
Do you have other suggestions in that price range ?
Steinbergs CI2 also looks interesting, but it depends on the mic pres/sound quality.

Is it worth spending the extra $ on the Fireface 400 ?
Hopefully someone can enlighten me on this, as I need to make a quick decision.

Cheers !!