Chronologically sorted folders, recorded files and DAW project files with a single click ?
Those interested might find this pretty handy.
It will create a dated folder with custom name and your DAW's default template.
(Year-Month-day and 24 hour time).
(If you don't use Reaper, just change the two .rpp extensions at the 'COPY' line)
Copy the code below to Notepad and save it to "Automation.bat" in a 'session folder'.
Make sure, when saving, you select "All file types" and not "Text file" otherwise it will save to .txt
In that same folder, copy a Reaper template and name it template.rpp
IF NOT "%1" == "max" start /MAX cmd /c %0 max & exit/b
@Echo OFF
SET digit1=%time:~0,1%
IF "%digit1%"==" " set digit1=0
SET timetext=%digit1%%time:~1,1%h%time:~3,2%
ECHO Enter custom name
SET /p var=
SET x=%~dp0
SET w=\%date% %timetext%
SET y=%date% %timetext%
SET z=%x%%y%
SET f=%z%%w%
SET m=%z% %var%%w% %var%
SET n=%z% %var%
SET o=%y% %var%
MKDIR "%n%"
CD %~dp0
COPY "template.rpp" "%m%.rpp"
START "" "%m%.rpp"
Those interested might find this pretty handy.
It will create a dated folder with custom name and your DAW's default template.
(Year-Month-day and 24 hour time).
(If you don't use Reaper, just change the two .rpp extensions at the 'COPY' line)
Copy the code below to Notepad and save it to "Automation.bat" in a 'session folder'.
Make sure, when saving, you select "All file types" and not "Text file" otherwise it will save to .txt
In that same folder, copy a Reaper template and name it template.rpp
IF NOT "%1" == "max" start /MAX cmd /c %0 max & exit/b
@Echo OFF
SET digit1=%time:~0,1%
IF "%digit1%"==" " set digit1=0
SET timetext=%digit1%%time:~1,1%h%time:~3,2%
ECHO Enter custom name
SET /p var=
SET x=%~dp0
SET w=\%date% %timetext%
SET y=%date% %timetext%
SET z=%x%%y%
SET f=%z%%w%
SET m=%z% %var%%w% %var%
SET n=%z% %var%
SET o=%y% %var%
MKDIR "%n%"
CD %~dp0
COPY "template.rpp" "%m%.rpp"
START "" "%m%.rpp"
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