Gåte - Excellent Norwegian folk rock band! There are two videos - one for downloading, one for live-streaming - on their website. Also check out the mp3s on their
myspace-page, especially "Følgje" and "Knut liten og Sylvelin". (The original songtitles - not the songs themselves - have been somewhat shortened there.)
Garmarna (also check their
myspace-page) A folk rock band from Sweden.
Två Fisk Och En Fläsk A Swedish folk band. Jan Liljekvist is also a member of Månegarm. And their vocalist Umer Mossige-Norheim is also featured on some Månegarm-songs. (mp3s in the music-section, just click on the album covers)
Värttinä Finnish folk (pop)
Suden Aika A Finnish female vocal quartet. Unfortunately their website is completely in Finnish, but to get to the mp3-samples, click on "Musiikkia".
Gjallarhorn A folk band from Finland, yet mostly with Swedish lyrics. (There´s some cool didgeridoo-playing on their albums.)
Hedningarna A Swedish folk rock band. Unfortunately, there are no samples available on their website.
Videoclips of Gåte and Garmarna are also to be found on
www.youtube.com (just type in the band´s name and click on "search").