Folk/Folk Rock Recommendations.

Braighs said:
their debut and sophomore albums were good iirc. How's the new stuff?
It's still that folky rock stuff, for the most part. They did release a live 2 CD set, which had calssic songs as well as a bunch of worship stuff, so, if that's not your thing, I''d stick witht eh studio albums.

Oh, and Jethro Tull has some folk influences if you've never chcked them out before.
Gåte - Excellent Norwegian folk rock band! There are two videos - one for downloading, one for live-streaming - on their website. Also check out the mp3s on their myspace-page, especially "Følgje" and "Knut liten og Sylvelin". (The original songtitles - not the songs themselves - have been somewhat shortened there.)
Garmarna (also check their myspace-page) A folk rock band from Sweden.
Två Fisk Och En Fläsk A Swedish folk band. Jan Liljekvist is also a member of Månegarm. And their vocalist Umer Mossige-Norheim is also featured on some Månegarm-songs. (mp3s in the music-section, just click on the album covers)
Värttinä Finnish folk (pop)
Suden Aika A Finnish female vocal quartet. Unfortunately their website is completely in Finnish, but to get to the mp3-samples, click on "Musiikkia".
Gjallarhorn A folk band from Finland, yet mostly with Swedish lyrics. (There´s some cool didgeridoo-playing on their albums.)
Hedningarna A Swedish folk rock band. Unfortunately, there are no samples available on their website.

Videoclips of Gåte and Garmarna are also to be found on (just type in the band´s name and click on "search").
Medievil acid folk band Circulus are just superb and their second album is coming out soon woohoo!!!
hibernal_dream said:
I third the Nest recommendation. Its simple stuff, but very charismatic. Has lots of kantele playing too.

i'll fourth it, forgot to mention them in my list. cool, atmospheric stuff, very wintery. every song kinda sounds the same, but it's still good.