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Symphony X

Oct 29, 2002
Ancient Lands Lost In Time
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I`m not a musician... but I have friends who are, and they tell me that Dream Theater uses much more techinique than Symphony X. I prefer Symphony X `cause their music are much cooler(at least for me), and i think they converge good technique with great songs very well, what I think is not very common. Malmsteen... his songs are kinda boring to me... So, tell me you musicians: Does Dream Theater use more technique than Symphony X? And is John Petrucci more skilled than Michael Romeo? :err:
I don't see DT using any more technique than SX, but I do know that Symphony X writes songs that are 100 times more interesting to me. Dream Theater puts me to sleep. I don't think either is more talented than the other, it all comes down to preference.
Overall, I would say DT takes the cake technique wise. Although John Petrucci has a broader range of styles, Michael Romeo is much better technique wise, specially on tapping and sweeping.
I love both bands, but sometimes DT is just overdoing it with their skills.. I like fast guitar playing and virtuoso shit but it doesn't really go anywhere sometimes. Symphony X does it wisely, all solo's happen for a reason. I must say I find DT's keyboard player (Jordan Rudess) slightly more technical than Pinella (he's GREAT too), but so what, in the end it's all quality music.
DT seems(to me that is)to be more focused on being progressive than play good music in their songs lately.
Michael Romeo is in my opinion much more skilled than John Petrucci, especially in sweeping and tapping, like Ultimate_Symphony said.
Besides, i`m pretty sure Symx could be as technical as DT if they wanted it, we should be thankful that they concentrate on making good music :)
shredmaster said:
DT seems(to me that is)to be more focused on being progressive than play good music in their songs lately.
Michael Romeo is in my opinion much more skilled than John Petrucci, especially in sweeping and tapping, like Ultimate_Symphony said.
Besides, i`m pretty sure Symx could be as technical as DT if they wanted it, we should be thankful that they concentrate on making good music :)

I'd say converging technique and good songs!
Well, I'd say the guys in SyX are just as technically skilled as the guys in DT, and some are more technically skilled (ie - Romeo blows Petruccis ass out of the water), but the guys in DT like to show off more as a band than the guys in SyX, whereas SyX rocks out more and then they'll just show off in some solo sections.
Still, even though I am a musician, dosent it come down to rocking factor ? I mean they both are 'rock' bands [O: ... Most of DT new shit sorta ... puts me to sleep =[

Also , since when does DT blow sym-x out the water with technique ? Saying that is just silly =/
OK, I'm seeing WAY too much Petrucci bashing. Although I like symphony X's musical style better than DT, saying that Romeo blows him out of the water is just going too far. I know and all of you know that both of them are about as equal as it gets. You guys need to open up your friggin minds and think about something before saying it.
Mike is more of a neo-classical shredder than John.

John does differents things.

DT are more technical if you mean making a song idea that should be 5 mins and stetching it out to 15 mins. (new Dt - not old.)

They're both ripn' g's. (ripping guitarists) but I perfer Mike 'coz i'm more of a "shredder" liker.

Hearing Johns solo album will be interesting.
Dream Symphony said:
OK, I'm seeing WAY too much Petrucci bashing. Although I like symphony X's musical style better than DT, saying that Romeo blows him out of the water is just going too far. I know and all of you know that both of them are about as equal as it gets. You guys need to open up your friggin minds and think about something before saying it.

*opens up mind*

*thinks about it*

*says it again*

Romeo blows Petrucci's ass out of the water :D
shredmaster said:
DT seems(to me that is)to be more focused on being progressive than play good music in their songs lately.
Michael Romeo is in my opinion much more skilled than John Petrucci, especially in sweeping and tapping, like Ultimate_Symphony said.
Besides, i`m pretty sure Symx could be as technical as DT if they wanted it, we should be thankful that they concentrate on making good music :)

Agreed \m/
Ahem, does it MATTER who's more technical?

I know you all love to brag about how great Romeo is, but what happened to the quality of music?

Good songs may well include great playing but not necessery the other way around. The bands I listen to most are the one's with the good songs, not the one's with the fastest solos. That's why I can't listen to people like Steve Morse, no matter how great he is, because his music doesn't say anything to me.

Just wanted to bring this to your attention. It's the quality, not quantity.
I stopped listening to Dream Theater years ago (I think it was the Falling Into Infinty album period) because I didn't care for the songs. I thought they were uninteresting compared to the songs on Images and Words. I guess I shouldn't comment as I've not heard anything Dream Theater's done since then, and can't really remember a whole lot about that last album anyway, but the thing that SyX achieves with me is constant well written songs. Of course, when I first heard V I didn't like it either, so maybe I should go back and listen to DT's later stuff. I don't know. I think SyX is capable (technically) of anything anyone else can do. they've shown their skills and don't need to apply them every minute of eery song. I like a band that doesn't need to show off.

On a similar note, I stopped listening to Fates Warning after the Parallels album because they just got too technical. No Exit was awesome because it rocked. Parallels had some (maybe 3) songs that still rocked but too many of them were so technical they were borning. I never bought another album from them after that. I did hear a clip of something off the new album which sounded good, so maybe I'll give them another try. I like Joey Vera too (from his Armored Saint days) so I'm hoping his more straight metal influence may have brought them back somewhat.

Just my opinion, of course.