for sale: Yamaha UW500 USB Interface. SHIT GOT ADAT.


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
I'm actually *facepalm*ing with embarassment at this thing.

Nobody local can buy this shit cos all my friends are poor cos of this fucken recession, and I seriously need a new interface so I have enough inputs for drum recording. Ryan (Catharsis Studios) is gonna sell me his firepod, so the money is going to a worthy cause ;) hahaha

But anyway.
Shit's usb, no firewire.
2 inputs, with a switch for Mic Guitar or Line on each one.
A phono (red and white thingy) input on the back, plus an "Aux In."
Got a midi in and out. A "To TG" thingy, whatever the fuck that is.
Headphone out, and an output for speakers at the back (also phono.)
Got digital in and out, adat anyone?

I'll be perfectly honest. This shit is ancient history. The manual references Windows ME n shit. Seriously.
I bought this off ebay when I was just starting learning and I wanted something cheap and cheerful to plug an SM57 into. This shit's basic as fuck, good if you want to learn, but it'll definately need an upgrade in time.

I'm hoping that even if no-one actually WANTS this, someone'll take it off my hands and give me a few dolla for it anyway haha.
I've tried shifting this locally, and I've got friends who WOULD buy it, but they're all fucken poor cos of the recession. I almost wasn't gonna post it on here but Ryan made me do it haha.

I don't even know where to start with a price.
I bought thsi shit for about £150.
£100 would be fucken awesome but that's hella pushing.
I'll take whatever I can get for someone to take it off my hands.

make me an offer.

Now how's that for salesmanship eh?
Can't say I'm interested, but one thing I feel I should mention is those optical i/o are almost certainly optical SPDIF rather than ADAT, so still only 2 channels...
well, dont mind my lack of knowledge
maybe someone rich will come along take pity on me *wink wink nudge nudge* paha