for the star wars geeks...

spaffe said:
I need the original VHS' and a player :|
Actually, for a while I've had bootleg DVDs ripped from the special edition VHS releases. Obviously the quality is VHS -> DVD copy quality (not pristine, but easily good enough to watch) and no further interference by a crackhead like Lucas. He has completely lost his mind at this point.

When I get a DVD burner, I'll rip you a copy. By the way, I owe you a HoM CD-R, correct?
One Inch Man said:
You know what rules? The VHS Trilogy. I think I'll watch that tonight.
Is that the trilogy BEFORE the special edition re-releases? If so, then yeah. Stick with being a purist I say.

And Tatooine always looked better looking like a desolate planet with the occasional bedouin or tuskin raider -- even Mos Eisley looked like a hole in the wall. The special edition made it look like a hussle bussle city, and it was all WRONG!!!

With that said, Empire Strikes Back looked glorious as a special edition. The cloud city never looked so good, and neither did those AT-AT walkers on Hoth.

And yes, Lando Carlissian was an Uncle Tom my pals. :loco:
Return of the Jedi > Both of the other movies combined. I mean, come on - the last battles are just epic out the ass.


The ewoks destroyed that movie. I wanted each of them to be gassed at Aushwitz.

But yeah, the dog fight at the end is the best sequence of all three.
hahaha oh man do I suck. I just realized I only have that shitty special edition VHS, I thought I had the ones w/o the gay ass extra footage on them. Yeah it's been quite some time since I've watched it. :loco:
Return of the Jedi is the best yes, partially because of the Ewoks. Why? Because they are Ewoks. And they rule.
JayKeeley said:

The ewoks destroyed that movie. I wanted each of them to be gassed at Aushwitz.

But yeah, the dog fight at the end is the best sequence of all three.


.... and ewoks own you.
I just prefer it when they don't do shit for kids, like Jar Jar Binks etc. I mean, you had the two glorious movies with the second one ending on a down note....only to be ressurrected by this?


I was 13 when I first saw Jedi. If I was 5 then maybe I'd go for dwarves in monkey suits. And even then, maybe.

That's right Mr Ewok, step inside. We promise there is no rabid homosexual bear waiting in the cave ready to rape your ass before passing you on to the SS Luftwaffe for a quick shower. :heh:
See the Ewoks weren't bastardized until AFTER Jedi was released. I was 4 when it was released, so there! :loco:

I saw it in the theatre, and if I remember correctly was one of those kids that sits there and yells during a movie, so we left the theatre early. I'll have to consult my mom for explicit detail, but I'm pretty sure the whole episode was one of those "I can't wait until your kids pull this shit" moments for her.
Best movie experience is when you go see a horror movie in a theater full of black people. After 5 minutes you just give up and join in. They just cannot be quiet and civilized like the British. :loco:


"Oi, I do declare that that lass just had her spleen torn fromst her bozom"
One Inch Man said:
See the Ewoks weren't bastardized until AFTER Jedi was released.
LOL. Oh yeah, because they were such formidable allies to the rebellion in the film itself. :loco:

Oh but surely the rebellion would have lost had it not been for a cancerous badger like "wicket" hijacking a speeder bike, or other furry critters throwing stones at Stormtroopers, soldiers cloned to fight intergalactic battles with blaster guns in hand.

The scene where they surrender their base on the Endor moon to stick-wielding rats would make A Hilter ashamed of his galaxian counterparts.

And then of course there is the classic 'Tarzan' call that Chewbacca makes when he swings from tree to tree....
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"?
Dante Hicks: "Empire".
Randal Graves: Blasphemy!
Dante Hicks: "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.

So let it be written, so let it be done. I cannot deny Dante, it would be like committing heresy.
I knew this wicked Fundamentalist Beaver one time...

he put the "dam" back in fundamentalist.

It's late and I'm tired, fuck off.
JayKeeley said:
Actually, for a while I've had bootleg DVDs ripped from the special edition VHS releases. Obviously the quality is VHS -> DVD copy quality (not pristine, but easily good enough to watch) and no further interference by a crackhead like Lucas. He has completely lost his mind at this point.

When I get a DVD burner, I'll rip you a copy. By the way, I owe you a HoM CD-R, correct?

Oh, that would be muchly appreciated, PM me later on then when you've got one of them burners and I'll send you money for shipment.
Yeah that's correct, The August Engine :)